Child Protection
The SBU Child Protection policy was overdue updating. Much work has gone ionto drafting a new policy and associated forms. These forms will be sent to those known to be involved with young peo[ple (under 18s) and can be downloaded from this site.
Child Protection Policy Feb 17
Authorisation for Foreign Travel
Whilst the policy may seem daunting to some, it is designed to protect both the young participants in bridge and the adults from allegations. Please try to follow poicy and notify me via feedback form on this site of any problems arising.
The risk assessment form is simply to encourage people to anticipate possible dangers
Permission slips are a necessary procedure for all young people.
Please note that under data protection legisdlation we are obliged to protect the personal data of young people so all emails to young people should use the blind copy procedure and data should not be available on any public site and should be stored securely by tutors.