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Staffs Care Homes - Popular Alliance Policies
03 October 2007

Following the Popular Alliance standing up and voicing support for keeping Staffordshire Care Homes and Day centres open, despite the County Council’s determination to close them, it has been awkward to make any changes to policy without being in power to do so. In fact, the solicitor heading the appeals is herself facing a court hearing, to answer allegations made against her by the County Council. 
An interested local gentleman has however contacted the Popular Alliance, asking what our policy would be regarding matters of this nature.
Firstly, as an 18 month old party with some very positive policies, that does not receive daily media coverage in the same manner as many who do for their shortcomings and little else, it would be very easy for us to make some profound statement as we have no responsibility to the nation as things stand. We do recognise however that the Staffordshire Care Homes issue is endemic of so many issues that are so wrong in the UK today.
We see this as a case of diminished funding, due to it being wasted elsewhere on those undeserving.
Pensioners of all races, who have worked and contributed to the UK for many years, paid their taxes and rates and who now require full time care should get exactly that. Physically and mentally handicapped people should have facilities for help and care too. I can barely believe that I have to justify this statement.
The funds to run such establishments have been wasted on undeserving causes as :-
* Job shirkers who refuse to work and think that us hard working tax payers owe them a living. They now even use the excuse that EU migrants have taken all the jobs.
* Eastern European migrants who have flocked here under some half baked EU initiative to “do the jobs that the shirkers can’t be bothered to do." Most of these immigrants do not pay rates and are hardly taxed as their wages fall beneath the thresholds, and yet they have full access to all the benefits that we tax payers fund for them.
* Other immigrants – mostly Asians & Africans come here with stories of free houses and free money ringing in their ears. This money should be spent on services for those who have contributed all their lives and for those genuinely in need, such as the handicapped.
* Single, teenage Moms demanding flats and tying up endless care workers with their selfish demands – stay with your parents, or better still, don’t get pregnant !!
* Endless middle management in Councils to cater for (eg) racial integration in the fire service, gender awareness…….
* Incredibly well paid doctors and health managers. yes, they have an important job to do with a lot of responsibility and have trained for many years, but if their employment comes as an unmanagable burden upon the service that they provide, then changes must be made. 

Without all of these ridiculous drains upon the public purse, we would have care homes to be proud of. This is the world as the Popular Alliance sees it and we are sure many others think exactly the same. The Popular Alliance would :-
* Repeal the Human Rights Act, forced upon us by the European Union, thus returning home all immigrants unable or not intending to support themselves and benefit the property ladder. Asylum cases cost a minimum of £35,000 each and that funding is coming from the same public purse that should be keeping these care homes open.
* Hold a referendum on the UK’s EU membership. We would withdraw from the EU and set-up trade agreements with whoever we wish, on our own terms. Return EU migrants who have not purchased a home here, to their own countries.
* Make job shirkers work (handwringers beware !!)
* Promote family support for unmarried teenage Moms, make the fathers support them, or they should stay with their parents
* Cut down on “Politically Correct” unnecessary government jobs
Again, we are almost embarrassed that this needed to be spelt out quite so graphically, and yet there are so many earning very good wages to run our country, who cannot see what a chaotic and unjust world they are creating.

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