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* Popular Alliance does not recognise the European Union and its numerous treaties, documents and papers to have legal jurisdiction in the United Kingdom beyond of that of a basic trading agreement, as passed in the 1975 referendum. The European Union is viewed as a Potentate that can only extend its laws to our shores, were it to defeat our nation in war, or if the government gave the UK citizens the choice, which in this day and age, would be via a specifically worded referendum.  
* Popular Alliance recognises that all governments since 1970 have committed Treason, and starting with Douglas Hurd, Broken the Official Secrets Act (the paperwork is widely available), with various judicial bodies also of guilty of Compounding Treason at Common Law through discussing, but not acting when the obvious evidence is sat under their collective noses. The fact the treason law has been shuffled around in context should be irrelevant, the independence of our nation has been betrayed. Meanwhile, our police force is too scared to investigate any of this.
The government would need to pass another Constitutional Reform Act to enact anything more than the original trading agreement and the people would have to be given the vote in a specifically worded referendum. This has not been forthcoming and as a result, the term "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" has been stretched beyond the very extent of its mandate.
* Popular Alliance holds the Bill of Rights 1689 and the supplementary Acts of Settlement 1701 as the British Constitution and therefore the Rule of Law in the United Kingdom. Our Government confirms the status of this Constitution by introducing the Constitution Reform Act 2005 to update the section on Judicial Appointments and also another update to the Acts of Settlement this year. Ironically, the updating of of the Judicial Appointments, gave more power to those in the judiciary who favour the EU dictating UK law. The phrase "stitched up like a kipper" comes to mind.
* Popular Alliance accuses all other political parties that have taken part in European Union activities, of Compounding Treason, for failing to report the crime of Treason to the due authorities, once faced with the facts. The fact that treason cannot accused more than 3 years after the event is ridiculous when its takes 30 years for secret documents to be made viewable.
* Arguments that a Treaty can only be signed with friendly nations and that Treason can only be committed with an enemy do not hold water. The Treaty of Versailles was signed between allies, to end a war and divide up an aggressor's land to be occupied by military forces, including Russia, whilst a British Forces NCO interpretor has recently been accused of Treason for passing secrets to Iran, a country that we are not at war with. Note - he has not been charged with threatening the lives of Royal family members nor government officials, as some might suggest is the only crime of Treason in existence.
* Popular Alliance will accuse any legal department that fails to seriously investigate the reported crime of treason, of Misprision of Treason (another law that many try to suggest has been dropped). No political interference would be permitted to such a move, under the protection of the schitzophrenic Constitutional Reform Act 2005.
Our government, fully supported by the EU and its gravy train lawyers, has ensured that any move to challenge their position will be wrapped up in legal drivel for years to come - or simply not investigated by police officers ordered to ignore such claims. Talk about a Stalin-ist regime, this certainly is not democracy in action !!
The recent boom years have resulted in a blase public approach to politics, giving these government weasels the opportunity to insulate themselves and throw away so many of our national laws. Now that the economy has collapsed, perhaps people will wake up to what they have ignored for the past 30 years and do something about it. 
Has this thought passed by you lately ? 
“Wouldn’t it be nice if the United Kingdom had a Constitution, like the Americans, with which we could repel the European Union, which seem to be taking over every aspect of our lives ?” 
Well, as it happens, the American Constitution was based upon our Bill of Rights 1688-89 and the supplementary Act of Settlement 1701, which were in turn based upon the Magna Carta, but also gave the people protective rights against a dictator-like Sovereign. So, we do have a British Constitution, a British Rule of Law, which very clearly states that, our Monarch and His/Her Administrators cannot surrender power to any leader, nation….. or potentate, unless as a result of losing a war. We have not lost a war since 1066 and yet our laws, statutes, taxes, standards and our whole livelihoods, are almost completely dominated by the European Union, a Potentate located in Brussels
The very same Acts also state that the British People have the Right to Petition the Monarch. We have been denied that right by Gordon Brown’s government regarding the Lisbon Treaty, as the EU is given even more powers upon our shores and the Bill of Rights is considered “best forgotten.” In fact, a Government paper written by Aileen Walker of the Blair government on 29-11-99, regarding the Bill of Rights 1689, tries to disassociate the government of any responsibility to this very foundation of our legal system and laws over the last 400 years, and upon which many democratic nations around the world have based their own constitutions. 
The Bill of Rights 1689 states that the act of surrendering power, unless in the case of losing a war, is an act of Treason. This is not some medieval waffle either; the writing links itself very well with current affairs and refers to changes that might be made over time too. Prime Ministers swear an Oath of Office to defend this nation and uphold its laws, not to hand it over and be taxed billions for that privilege. Tony Blair actually made an attempt to mothball the crime of Treason but did not manage to achieve quite that, perhaps, being a qualified lawyer, he was feeling some guilt ? 
The European Union take-over started with Edward Heath and his colleague Douglas Hurd who presented a “Convenient Trading Agreement” to the British people with the European Communities Act 1972. In April 1970, as part of his campaign manifesto, Edward Heath said that further European integration would not happen,except with the full-hearted consent of the Parliaments and peoples of the new member countries.” Despite this comment, no referendum was held when UK entered into the Common Market in 1973, by entering into an accession treaty on 22 January 1972 (with Denmark, Ireland, Norway) and passing the European Communities Act 1972 on 16 October 1972. The UK joined what would become the European Union with Denmark and Ireland on 1 January 1973. 
In 1975, the next Labour government kept a manifesto pledge to hold a referendum, asking ”Should the UK stay in the European Community,” which passed as a “Yes” vote by 70-30% in a House of Commons referendum. 
At the ensuing national refendum, the electorate were asked to vote on the direct question; "Do you think the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (Common Market) ?"   
Based upon the information they were given, every administrative county in the UK returned a majority of "Yes" votes, except in the Shetlands and Western Isles. Big money from industries and banks backed much of Labour's campaign for a "Yes" vote, whilst Industrial Minister Tony Benn led the "No" vote on a shoestring budget and with no media support. As ever, the "No" vote was labelled racist and Marxist, though many original "Yes" campaigners have since admitted that they were wrong, or misled at the time, including Margaret Thatcher and Rupert Murdoch.  
Popular Alliance now holds copies of letters from that time that reveal a 30 year plan to fully integrate the United Kingdom into a European Super State. 
We note that the referendum question, at no time asked the British public whether they wished to be governed by an overseas power, which would crush the existing British Constitution known as the Bill of Rights 1689. Since that time, the public has been repeatedly denied the opportunity to Petition the Monarch on this issue, therefore the Bill of Rights still legally stands as the Rule of Law upon our shores and any otherwise claim is one of Treason.  
Since that time, several more papers have been signed by successive governments, Labour & Conservative, with the public repeatedly denied their right to Petition the Monarch. No-one in the UK, outside of parliament, under the age of 52 has been given any say on these matters and those beforehand were only given a snip of the real story, in a misrepresented referendum. We have been lied to and successive governments have broken their Oaths of Office
No party since 1970 has voiced the intention to sign up to a European Union Constitution or Lisbon Treaty as part of their Election Manifesto pledges. If they intend such a major move (handing over law-making control), then it really should be the first item on their list of pledges. 
Several Popular Alliance members are ex-military and we have been very careful so far not to include The Queen in our writings on European Union matters, however the Bill of Rights concludes that the power still sits with the Monarch, so it gives us no pleasure in suggesting that she has most likely been Deceived in Her Grant by the Privy Council and in more recent days by the likes of the office of the Ministry of Justice, and therefore she is possibly In Breach of Her Oath (Coronation Oath 1707). She has the power and responsibility to say “no” and also to ask the view of the citizens of this nation, but has failed to exercise them. This is, we agree, a terrible state of affairs and one which the British people must learn of and stand against. 
We now have a situation where the Rule of Law (Bill of Rights and the supplementary Act of Settlement 1701) is in direct conflict with the acts of the Administrator (Prime Minister). In the Bill of Rights, the public has the Right to Petition the Monarch (referendum) and is being denied that by Her Administrators. We have a situation of Administrative Lawlessness and Interference with our Livelihoods and Freedoms. All of the above can then also be referred to in the Scottish Claim of Rights which states very similar details. 
This is beyond all doubt, a case for the courts to investigate and a time for those upholding the law to be brave and resolute. There is already a situation where one police force is investigating both this case and also another police force for failing to act upon reports of treason, sedition at common law and the breaking the official secrets act, by successive governments. That police force is accused of Misprision of Treason and Serious Neglect of Duty. Naturally many police officers are fearful of getting involved, however the law of this land is held within the Bill of Rights 1689 and not in Brussels.
Only this week, our 2nd highest ranking Law Lord has accused the European Union's Human Rights Act of getting above its station and pressuring our courts into decisions that about which it has no right to stick it's nose in. If this alone is not evidence enough that we are being ruled from elsewhere, then someone within the Houses of Parliament is not paying much attention to the interpretations held across the English Channel.  
So, a crime has been committed, it should be reported and acted upon. The British Constitution Group ask that as many British citizens as possible do report this crime to their local police station, until such time that someone from within the British legal system has the courage to follow this through, in line with the Rule of Law of this land, which they are employed for and legally bound to uphold.  The Constitution Reform Act 2005 invokes “A duty on government ministers to uphold the independence of the judiciary, barring them from trying to influence judicial decisions through any special access to judges.” Our police forces and courts should have no fear, as this Act protects them and allows them to do their jobs. 
Popular Alliance is including these facts in our updated EU Policy. We do not recognise that the European Union has any legal jurisdiction upon our shores and we shall work our hardest to bring such details and facts to the public’s attention and through the courts to reach the right and just outcome, as described in our Rule of Law. 
We hope that members of other UK political parties that oppose the EU, can work together to defeat Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dems as they find themselves completely entrenched in this treachery. Voting for any of these parties is voting for the EU. Some Conservatives may vocally oppose aspects of the EU, but it was their party that tricked the British people in the early 1970s. These days, all three main parties are controlled from within the EU and offer more or less the same policies. Any other worthwhile ideas they might have are wasted because EU rulings will simply brush them aside. Don’t be fooled by their empty promises. 
Ironically anti-EU parties such as UKIP and Veritas have, or have had MEPs on their books, with the aim of “tearing the organisation part from the inside,” although neither has exactly excelled in that. This situation technically puts them in the position of sponsoring and co-operating with Treason and through having not made a legal case of it, they should really also be tried for Misprision of Treason. These days most UKIP members (and countless ex-members) are largely dissatisfied with the ineffectiveness of the party, and both they and the breakaway group Veritas, experience too much infighting to focus on the real problem at hand.  
We are sure that Conservative, UKIP and Veritas have some good, well-intending people onboard, however they will not achieve their goals as things stand and therefore we call them to join Popular Alliance, a party with a full agenda of common sense policies in the British interests, that stands by its word and that has not been infiltrated by the European Union.  
Popular Alliance is thankful to The British Constitution Group, who have researched much of the above information, how it is relevant and can be compared to the methods of the European Union.  
Details and Examples of EU Law upon Our Shores 
Successive Home Secretaries have made all manner of promises regarding immigration, quotas, human rights, and foreign prisoners’ rights etc, only to become disillusioned that they have no power to change anything. We are left with a long list of embarrassing climb downs and U-turns. 
Weights & Measures. We are in the confusing position of having some items measured in both imperial and metric methods; meanwhile people are being prosecuted for offering sales in other outlawed imperial measures. Our government is powerless both to (i) bring some common sense to the table and (ii) make any definite changes until the EU approves them. 
The EU Human Right’s Act, introduced by Tony Blair has given more power to those who break the law upon our shores. Again, our government and courts are powerless to act. 
Our passports are property of the European Union. Our cars are registered to the DVLC which portrays the EU flag above the initials GB, in preference to our own national flag. 
The Constitutional Reform Act of 2005 led to the responsibility of judicial appointments to be taken out of the hands of the Lord Chancellor and handed to the Queen, who is influenced by the Privy Council. The Privy Council is mainly made up of MPs who are members of parties that are influenced by the EU. 
Regarding the Constitution Reform Act 2005, Popular Alliance detects levels of contradiction within its pages. Firstly, the government paper from 29th November 1999 tried to belittle the Bill of Rights 1689 as some quaint old paper of no relevance in the modern world, and yet 6 years later, the government has to write a Constitution Reform Act to overrule the sections regarding judicial appointments. This proves that the government does recognise the Bill of Rights 1689 as The British Constitution – when it suits them. This Act only includes judicial changes to the original Bill of Rights. 
This is consistent with numerous government moves, in that British law is only the law when it suits them and the EU to recognise it as so. This Act takes away the appointments decision making of the judiciary and hands it to the Queen, who is then advised by the Privy Council. The Privy Council is made up of MPs who have political motives and are influenced by the EU. In this case, how can this paper support its own words in that no government can bring political influence over a judicial matter in law ? This Act goes around in circles, weakens the judiciary's position and Popular Alliance would look to expose and repeal its treachery. 
Some quotes from The Bruges Group – which ironically includes some who originally favoured the 1970s Yes campaign but have since seen the error of their ways from positions deep inside government. They advise that an EU Constitution will:
  • Compound the EU's economic dislocation by encoding in law the social-market economic model responsible for the continent's low growth and high unemployment. Article 14 will allow the EU to standardise the employment and social policies of member states. Article 7 incorporates into EU law the Charter of Fundamental Rights (PDF). This will add further new burdens onto British business.
  • Ensure that National Parliaments lose significant powers to the EU institutions. The right of member states to stop damaging EU legislation will end, as Qualified Majority Voting (QMV) will be extended into 40 new areas. The Constitution may even allow for the national veto to be entirely abolished. In particular, Article 24.4 (the passerelle clause) and Article 17 (the flexibility clause) will allow the European Council to extend QMV and the EU's powers.
  • Expand the Union's powers into Justice and Home Affairs. Article 158 gives the EU power over external border controls and internal security. Article 170 allows the EU with powers to standardise civil law. Articles 171 - 175 allow for the standardisation of criminal laws and procedure. 176 - 178 will give the EU powers to co-ordinate policing.
  • Develop a common EU foreign and Security Policy. Article 27 will create an EU Minister for Foreign Affairs who "shall conduct the Union's common foreign and security policy".
  • Make the EU institutions the UK's real government. Article 10 gives primacy to EU law. Articles 11, 12 & 13 will give the EU the right to forbid member states from making laws in almost all areas, handing instead even more power to the remote, unaccountable and undemocratic EU institutions.
Gordon Brown has now ratified the Lisbon Treaty, which has side-stepped our legal right to Petition the Monarch and her Administrators, by shoe-horning the above rulings (and many more) directly into our lives, by sneakily amending previously passed papers. Our government and the EU leaders know that they would be voted down in a democratic referendum on our shores – as promised in the last Labour manifesto. In fact Labour had no right to offer that referendum in the eyes of the EU. The Lisbon Treaty is similar to buying an upgrade package to an existing computer programme, instead of buying the updated programme. It gets the user the same result for a much lower price. 
The Bruges Group go on to ask….
How many people are aware, for instance, that it is now Brussels, not London or any other national government, which makes our laws on how we dispose of our rubbish, on food safety, on how many hours we can work, on how company accounts have to be drawn up?
How many people know that it is Brussels which dictates which seed varieties we are allowed to plant in our gardens; which prescribes, down to the minutest detail, how we can make buses and cars; which lays down the height of our office chairs, the design of our fire exit notices, the exact permissible measurements of destination displays in our trains? 
It is thanks to our joining that mere 'Common Market' 30 years ago that we have seen the near-destruction of our fishing industry, once the largest in Europe; that many of our farmers, until 1973 the most successful in Europe, today wonder how much longer they can survive.
It is thanks to the EU that millions of businesses are now stifled by an unending avalanche of costly red tape; while even the City of London now fears that a flood of new directives from Brussels could before long cost it its place as the leading financial centre in the world.
Step by step we have seen our politicians handing over to this weird new system of government control over almost every aspect of our national life, from the power to decide who can come to live and work in Britain to the way our judges now have to interpret the law in our courts. 
Craig Chapman
Popular Alliance
8th February 2009
The Bill of Rights 1688-89                                           
The Act of Settlement 1701
How much does the EU cost Britain ? The price of the combined direct and indirect expenses of EU membership in 2008 costs Britain £55.75 billion. That equates to £152 million every day !!
    The facts:
    • By 2008 Britain will have made total contributions to the European Community (EC) Budget of £230.4 billion gross or almost £68.2 billion net.
    • By the end of the current EC budget period Britain will have made estimated total contributions to the EC Budget of £315.4 billion gross and £101.4 billion net.
    • By 2007 Britain had an accumulated trade deficit with the other EU member states of £383.7 billion.
    • The Common Agricultural Policy costs Britain at least £16.8 billion per annum.
    • The Common Fisheries Policy costs Britain at least £3.275 billion per annum.
    • Over-regulation on business costs Britain at least £28 billion per annum.
    • Due to the EU being riddled with corruption it is likely that the equivalent of Britain's entire net contribution to the EU is going into the pockets of fraudsters.
    • A BOOST TO THE ECONOMY. As EU red tape is holding back the UK economy by £28 billion, 2% of UK GDP, it is clear that freeing Britain from EU control will get Britain out of recession and get British people back to work.

    • COST FREE TAX CUTS. As politicians of the three main parties are struggling to explain how they will deliver the tax cuts that the British economy needs they have failed to realise that this money can be found if we stop paying the EU billions of pounds per year of taxpayers’ money.

      The 2% boost to economic growth created by leaving the EU and slashing its excessive red tape would also increase tax revenue by £10.73 billion. Combine that with the direct savings to the exchequer and it will allow for a 6p in the pound cut in the basic rate of income tax.
    In 2008 membership of the European Union costs Britain almost £65.675 billion per annum gross or almost £55.775 billion per annum net.

    Robert Oulds, the Director of the Bruges Group, says,
    "There is a desperate need to reinvigorate the British economy by reducing the burden of taxation. Slowly, all three main political parties are beginning to realise this; but none have come up with a convincing plan as to how this can be done.

    "However, now that the costs of EU membership have been exposed, we now know that the tax cuts that are so desperately needed can partly be found by freeing us from EU control. It will boost tax revenue and free-up funds totalling £25.33 billion allowing for 6p in the pound to be cut from the basic rate of income tax."



Following our insipid Government's statement to still push forward with the EU's unwanted Lisbon Treaty, Tory leader David Cameron made some very positive statements that it is now dead and that our government cannot be so arrogant and undemocratic to continue pushing it though.
 Fine words Sir, we just hope that you mean them and that is not another example of your using every frontpage headline to knock the government with cheap point scoring, whilst having no intention actually offering an alternative policy to which you will stick and fight for long term.
Take heart from the Irish victory and the words from the Czech leader, take them and make us proud of you and your party. Your poor record in such instances is precisely why parties like our's exist. You have a lot of ground to make back again and this a very good place to start.  
Lisbon Treaty - "1600 Pages of Twaddle"
One Danish MEP informs us that the Lisbon Treaty is not something that can be passed on its own, as it is simply hundreds of pages of amendments that mean absolutely nothing without being adsorbed into the original rejected constitution. The EU refuse to publish one concise document and it would take literally years to do so. So we ask, how can anyone even consider voting for an organisation that only seeks to confuse and bully them into signing something so vague ?
EU Justice Minister - Convicted For Fraud - Bloody Typical !!
We also learn today that the European Union's new Head of Justice Jacques Barrot, gained his new £160,000p/a post through not revealing his previous conviction for fraud, resulting in an 8 month suspended sentence that was strangely pardoned by his close pal Jacques Chirac, despite the courts never actually dropping the charges ??? France has also officially warned Ireland of severe economic penalties if they vote against the Treaty today. Again, thoughts of Mugabe, Hussein, Hitler & The Taliban come to mind when the EU starts to show its real face.  
Cameron Agrees He's Toothless Against EU 
We told you so. The Tories have finally admitted that their promise of a referendum on Europe is just so much hot air. UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage said: "UKIP has been warning people for years that this was just a sham."
The confession came from Tory leader David Cameron during a speech at Harlow, Essex. He said he would probably not be able to deliver a referendum on the transfer of sovereignty to Brussels because the damage would have been done before the next election.

Once the government signs up to the Lisbon Treaty, it will be "almost impossible" to hold a referendum, Mr Cameron said.

"We may have to say, well look, we’re not happy with this situation, here are some of the powers we’d like to have back. But we can’t give you that referendum on the Lisbon Treaty because it’s already been put in place across the rest of Europe."

That will mean it is too late to reverse the handover of power even if the Tories win the next election, Mr Cameron added.

Nigel Farage said: Finally, the Tories have admitted that their referendum promise is worthless.

"UKIP is the only major party that has always told the truth about the EU and the threat it poses the sovereignty of the United Kingdom. We are the only major party that puts Britain’s interests first and is committed to withdrawal from the European superstate Brussels is creating.

“We know that most people want a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty and we have always fought for it.

"On Europe, UKIP is the only party in which voters can really have confidence. I urge the people of Henley to send a strong message to the Tories over this latest betrayal by voting UKIP in the by-election on 26 June."
Eurovision & EU = Ungrateful, Self-Centred Cheats
Last weekend's Eurovision gave us the usual troupe of oddballs and questionable musical taste, alongside a few decent acts, however it also gave us a shining example of how we (i) don't take our dealings with Europe seriously and (ii) how that fact is exploited by many of those countries and their attitudes towards us.
We sent a group of mainly black musicians, with a pretty weak song, to sing to a bunch of Eastern European countries, infamous for their racist views and methods. The guy sang his heart out and certainly was not the worst act on the show, but he was most certainly a lamb to the slaughter in those surroundings. Germany, the only other act with black members, came almost as far down the results board as we did, although they sang extremely flat and resembled a group of over made-up Aunties doing a Boney M act, at a wedding.
The BBC still contributes a great deal towards to funding of this annual bash and yet the UK's entry is often little more than an unknown novelty act that in no way represents contempory music in this country. Perhaps we take the competition a little lightly ?
The surge of Eastern European allies (well, for one night anyway) all voting for each other demonstrates exactly the kind of attitude that we pay so much to fund at the European Union. Of course these countries want to join and support the EU if idiot nations like ours continue to throw so much money at them. They will happily take an arm and leg and keep demanding more and more, knowing that they will get it. Meanwhile, our main 3 Liberal parties think it is a great idea to keep pandering to their greedy demands.
If anyone out there can work out how to go on TAX STRIKE, please, please get in touch.  
wheelerA millionaire has won permission to launch a High Court challenge to the Government's refusal to hold a referendum on the EU Reform Treaty.
Businessman Stuart Wheeler, a major Conservative Party donor, claimed he had "a legitimate expectation" that Gordon Brown would hold a vote on the Lisbon Treaty and the decision to go back on their promise should be declared unlawful.
Mr Justice Owen ruled that Mr Wheeler, 73, had "an arguable case" that should go to a full hearing.
Mr Wheeler made more than £30m from spread-betting firm IG Index and raised £150,000 from 150 donors to pay for his High Court battle.
He said: "I am absolutely delighted that we won the case".
On a further take on this story, it would appear that a supposedly anti EU political nasty party is rather miffed that this wheeler chap has the audacity to legally challenge the establishment, they say on their nasty website
“A breakthrough on the block on legal challenges to the government over the EU? Or a red herring that may waste a little time, and swallow up precious resources allowing the establishment to call a biased referendum to complete our captivity. Remember, any such referendum would be in contradiction of our own constitutional laws.”
“Why? Because our constitution prevents anyone from giving away our freedom. And one generation making a decision that would enslave the next is certainly not acceptable. In other words each and every one of the EU Treaties is by British Law illegal. The problem is that the Courts no longer obey Laws that the establishment find inconvenient.”
take a long hard look at the last line “The problem is that the Courts no longer obey Laws that the establishment find inconvenient.” ???......
It is for that reason we suspect wheeler is challenging those laws and so far he has been successful, and who knows what will happen in this uncertain political climate, the courts often smash the government proposals and ill thought out policies on crime, immigration by throwing human rights and other nonsense back at the government, just maybe, this guy may get lucky, not forgetting opening a can of worms for the fence sitting no policy Cameron.
Should Wheeler be successful, then the EU will become paralysed once more, and just maybe, the penny will drop when the politicians start tearing themselves apart and start asking should we ask the ultimate question, In or Out.
Our only conclusion to the nasty “pro EU” BNP is that they don't want to be isolated from their far right chums in France, Germany and Italy who are dreaming of the day they can huddle together, wear long leather coats, sing songs and form the European wide forth Reich. We do however agree with them that David Cameron is a fence sitter with no policies, but then again, our 3 cats had that one sussed a while back !!
Some 88% of the British public want a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, according to private polls for the I Want a Referendum (IWAR) campaign.
The unofficial ballot was conducted by postal vote last month in 10 Labour and Lib Dem marginal seats.   A total of 152,520 people voted, with 133,251 backing a referendum. IWAR claims the 36.2% turnout is higher than that in local council elections.
The IWAR poll was carried out by Electoral Reform Services, a firm of independent election scrutineers recognised by the government and the UN.
'Stunning' turnout
Respondents were asked whether the UK should hold a referendum on the treaty, with 88% voting yes. Asked if the UK should approve the treaty, 89% voted no.
We would totally support Labour former minister Kate Hoey when she said: "All MPs should now take note, listen to their constituents and vote for a referendum on Wednesday."
Whilst Labour MP's like Kate Hoey Frank Field and Bob Wareing have declared our right to vote, lets hear why the other Labour and Lib Dem's wish to go bandit on their election pledge
European Union Sleaze
Popular Alliance asks why UKIP Leader Nigel Farage has not led the way in revealing the amount of corruption attributed to the EU.
He was silent during the period of the signing of the EU Treaty, he has been outmoved by Liberal Democrat (a party wholly supporting the UK's surrender to the EU) and now this.
Whatever his position in this, he is clearly not doing the job that he promised he would back when he campaigned and got elected to the post of MEP.  He has so far let down a lot of people, and more crucially, he has let down the United Kingdom, to whom he pledged to bring down the EU and its under-the-table accounting. 
Farage Denies Allegations

Sunday, 24 February 2008
The leader of the UK Independence Party, Nigel Farage MEP, has issued a statement in response to an article published in The Sunday Times of 24 February under the headline "Anti-Brussels MEP pays son from EU funds.”
Mr Farage’s statement says:

“There is not a single grain of truth in the statement that I am employing my son using EU allowances or in any other capacity.

 “The article also contains a statement alleging that I am being investigated by OLAF, the EU’s fraud watch dog. This is simply untrue.”

The statement refers to a further claim in the article that a former UKIP regional organiser alleged the party was misusing EU funds. Mr Farage says: “It fails to say that this individual recently lost on all counts a legal case against Mike Nattrass MEP.”

Mr Farage says the newspaper asked him “ridiculous questions” relating to allegations that he was acting in an illegal manner financially.

He added: “I am particularly annoyed that my son should be dragged into this and his photograph published alongside a story containing allegations for which there is no evidence at all.”

The UK Independence Party recently appointed as its Treasurer Mrs Marta Andreasen, the accountant who was sacked by the EU in 2002 for refusing to approve its accounts. The party said she had been asked to take up the position because of her openness, honesty and professionalism as an accountant.

Anti-Brussels MEP, Nigel Farage, pays son from EU funds
Reported by : Daniel Foggo and Steven Swinford
THE leader of the eurosceptic United Kingdom Independence party (UKIP) is employing his son as his assistant, using taxpayers’ money, despite the young man being in full-time education.
Nigel Farage’s 19-year-old son Sam is being paid to work for his MEP father through his European Union expenses allowance, despite being a politics student at Exeter University.
Farage’s use of public funds to pay his son is comparable to the case of the disgraced Tory MP Derek Conway, who employed both his sons using parliamentary expenses despite one being a full-time university student.
The revelation comes after a confidential EU report showed that MEPs from a cross-section of parties were abusing staff allowances, which total almost £100m per year.
Farage also employs his wife Kirsten as a £24,000-a-year secretary using public funds. He is being investigated by Olaf, the EU’s antifraud watchdog. Olaf is examining allegations that UKIP has used taxpayers’ money to fund the party over several years, including while Farage, an outspoken critic of MEPs exploiting the EU “gravy train”, has been at the helm.
Olaf has been alerted to UKIP’s use of allowances meant for funding MEPs’ assistants to pay the salaries of party workers. EU rules state that the allowance, of about £125,000 per MEP, should not be used to fund national party workers.
Following the revelation of the confidential EU report last week, Farage publicly criticised the abuse and condemned the EU’s attempt to “brush the matter under the carpet”, telling Newsnight, on BBC television, that UKIP was in Europe “to expose this sort of thing”.
However, leaked e-mails reveal that Farage and his colleagues have failed to provide the EU with requested information about how it gives its regional organisers in Britain jobs as MEPs’ assistants so that their salaries can be paid from public funds.
Farage, who says his party has done nothing wrong, insists that the regional organisers do their party work “in their spare time”, a claim contradicted by a former UKIP regional organiser.
Farage refused to comment on his employing his son, saying: “I am fed up with answering ridiculous questions.”
In an e-mail sent to Farage last July, Koen Snijders, who works for the EU’s general finance directorate, said the UKIP leader and his MEPs’ accountant, Robin Collett, had “promised to produce evidence regarding this expenditure” four months earlier but none had materialised.
Last night Farage said that the paperwork would eventually be supplied.
A survey by The Sunday Times has found that almost a third of the UK’s 78 MEPs boost their family income by paying their spouse or children from their allowance. Labour councillors have donated £1.6m of their expenses to help to get the party out of debt.
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