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Popular Alliance Making Stretton Safer
25 July 2007

The need for safer roads through Stretton, in Staffordshire

Stretton, just north of Burton on Trent, is one of the UK's largest villages, larger than at least 40 official towns, with a population of around 8,000 and yet the resources and funding so far supplied by the Staffordshire County Council for desperately needed road safety issues has been pitiful. Over recent years, various projects have been put forward by the enthusiastic council members, but they get shoved to the back of the queue alongside claims by villages with populations of less than a quarter that of Stretton's. Perhaps Stretton would benefit from being considered in relation to its population ?

The volume of traffic passing through and around Stretton, especially at rush/school hour is mind blowing. The village Main Street weaves in and out, passed the village primary school, passed shops and bus stops on corners, passed staggered junctions that usually have 10+ cars queuing in each direction.

2 Popular Alliance members, Brian Buxton & Craig Chapman were voted onto the local Parish Council in May. They gained a vote for every 1.9 leaflets distributed locally and majored their pledges on a number of local road safety issues.  Both have now attended several Parish Council meetings and have joined the specific road safety committee to try and help push through the most urgent road safety priorities.

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