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PA Councillors Help Make To A Difference
13 July 2009

Stretton Parish Council Update

Like all councils Stretton Parish is beginning a new financial year. We do this with the very good feeling that we were able to reduce our Community Charge precept by 12%. As far as we know no other council has made a reduction. 

Why did we do this?  We did not, like many, under estimate the very serious financial depression our Government had put us in, and the dire consequences this would have for many families through out the land.  This was one way we could "do our bit " to hopefully help out.  

During the past year Popular Alliance councillors Craig Chapman and Brian Buxton have been at the front of the action. Both were on the Traffic Group which worked intensely to prove to Staffordshire County Council the urgent need for a pedestrian crossing in the centre of the village. After helping to organise a petition in the village collecting 2,800 signatures we now have our crossing.  

A lot of work was also put in to improving the Hillfield Lane Playing Fields.  First of all a path has been put in around the perimeter of the field through the trees for walkers and runners. We hope to improve it even more as the year goes on. Future projects being looked at are a War Memorial to honour the fallen in two world wars and the possibility of a Youth Centre.  

Our village's biggest problems are dog fouling and litter, which sadly is getting worse. We ask every one to please put dog poo (and other party pamphlets) in the bins with your litter.


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