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Prepare yourselves - LibDem soothing for the next 6 months

by Craig Chapman - Party Leader - 09:55 on 12 December 2011

Get ready for the biggest political cringe since Gordon Brown tried to smile.

Having stood firm in Brussels (as his manifesto stated he should), David Cameron will now have 6 months of endless concession-giving to his minority LibDem coalition partners.

Note that the rebel Tories, (who voted for an EU referendum) out-number the LibDem MPs by (I assume) 3 times, so which voice will shout louder ?

I can see Iain Duncan Smith rousing a bit of a cavalry around Westminster if the above does go ahead and thank God for that if he does.

Popular Alliance call for the rebel Tories to jump ship and stand up for the principals for which they were voted in and which they truly believe. They will not be letting down those who voted for them, in fact quite the opposite. Let us have a 4th choice in Westminster, people who act firstly for the good of the UK.

Isolation ? Rubbish, nobody accuses Norway and Switzerland of being isolated and without influence, quite the opposite, they operate from a position of strength for their own good. Jealous ? You bet we are !!!

Popular Alliance have formed an Alliance with a few like minded parties and call for more to join us. Those fed up of UKIP forever doing nothing are most welcome to join us, as are a bunch of worthy Tories !!


Update 14th Dec - was anyone surprised that Clegg took the day out of Parliament for a good sulk ? Sums his whole bunch of pathetic wimps up really. Ironic also that he complains of isolation and then locks himself in his office instead of doing what he's paid to do. Do us all favour and emigrate Nick - Belgium sounds ideal !!


Update 19th Dec - as I predicted, cry baby Clegg is now stamping his feet in support of co-habiting couples, over married couples. Common sense, natural decency and an example of commitment is what married couples display to others - including to their children, families, the powers that be and society in general. This does not mean the co-habiting is wrong but the LibDems do like to encourage some minority groups to run roughshod over every common sense law - (eg) gays, drugs, gypos, immigrants, tax dodging, EU, wasters - give them an inch and they'll take a mile - and do they ever !!! They basically display a form of xenophobia against common, decent living people who try to abide by the rules. Their hypocricy makes my skin crawl.

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