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The Blatter Matter

by Craig Chapman - Party Leader - 07:01 on 18 November 2011

Sepp Blatter, the chief of FIFA really does put his foot in the sticky stuff on a regular basis. He certainly has a healthy dislike of anything remotely English or British (perhaps its a racial matter ?) and upsets people on such a regular basis its almost like he has a timetable or tick list to remind him who's next.

This time he has insulted all those who have been on the receiving end of racism. Being a person who freely speaks out on immigration issues, many tar me with the right wing stick, perhaps they should visit Specsavers so that they can see beyond the ends of the noses and Q-Tip their ears on a more regular basis.

I agree wholly that Blatter's comments were extremely disrespectful. His ill-judged line of thought suggests that we can all go around insulting whoever we wish (and not just whites to blacks may I add) in the know that they will shake our hands within a 90 minute timeframe.

Football of course has a big influence over so many people worldwide and the crowds in some (eg) some Eastern Block countries have made the lives of various coloured players an absolute hell. Whether the allegations against Terry and Suarez are accurate or not, only 4 people actually know. I'm quite sure racist insults of all manner go on whether as an unprovoked attack or in retaliation to a foul or previous insult made by the then claimant.

My blog last week tackled the fact that (eg) white workers cannot refer to or call a person from Pakistan a 4 letter abbreviation of their country's name without the threat losing their job or a court summons, whilst that very same person is free (and many do) to refer to whites (and Brits especially) in extremely derogatory terms in their own languages, with zero recourse.

I was turned down by a UK police force in December 1999 having done extremely well in paper tests and pretty well in the physical, whilst 2 Asian lads who spoke very poor English and were dreadful in the physical tests, moved on to the next stage. I was informed that the quota for white 30 somethings was full, as it was December. So yes, I have been a victim of racial division too and I wasn't exactly in the mind for hand shaking either. I think the term for this situation is positive discrimination by the politically correct idiots - I'll tell where to shove your positive !!

The racial abuse issue is not going to go away, so comments to trivialise it, as with Blatter's thoughtless words, certainly don't help and the inconsistency of his words along side the FIFA anti-racism campaign don't sit at all well.

I must ask however, where is the line. We can all giggle over the joke regarding Man Utd's Korean winger who we're advised suggests a dog is not just for Christmas, it also makes great sandwiches on Boxing Day. I'd bet Rio Ferdinand has had a giggle over this. Is it racism too ? 

Blatter was wrong (on so many issues, now we're counting)

Racial insults are wrong

But where should the line be drawn and regarding whom ?

With the current levels of inconsistency, I'm damned if I know. 

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