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EU Referendum - NOW !!!

by Craig Chapman - Party Leader - 08:21 on 24 October 2011

Mr Lidington MP, Tory Minister for Europe did give, I must accept, a confident argument on Breakfast TV, for not holding an EU Referendum quite yet.

His hesitations are regarding what we would do to change our relationship with the EU.

Well, Mr Lidington, as Minister for Europe and a representative of a Government who's manifesto was to finally offer us an EU Referendum, I would suggest that it is your job to know this, before anyone else in the country, so if you don't know, then God help us.

Your argument that your constituents are more worried about social services, crime and their children's future, before they consider the EU, is a very short sighted assessment of their worries.

The UK's social services are under huge pressure due to so many people settling in our country and not enough people being in jobs that contribute towards the boosting of our economy. This is not a racial matter, it is that of liberally-led, unplanned and none-budgeted immigration ecomonics.

Our schooling, healthcare and housing capacity is bursting at it's seams and many of those who have come here are from Eastern Europe thanks to the EU opening our borders with no limits. Of course, some do a very good job and do contribute, but most will be banking their earnings in Poland and Czech Republic etc, not into the UK's economy, as they plonk their kids in UK schools and visit our hospitals and social benefit offices. A recent EU dictat stated that we should offer social care to every scrounger who tootles across the English Channel.

Regarding crime, the European Court of Human Rights rulings constantly undermine the efforts of our police and courts. We have many European prisoners bunging up our jails, funded by UK tax payers, there are Eastern European gangs controlling drugs, prostitution and counterfit goods circles, how much more do I need to add ?

Without going into more detail Mr Lidington, we have undone your argument in 2 paragraphs. Your inability to see the wider picture is very worrying for someone in your position.

Regarding your constituent's children's future, perhaps you might also consider our daily EU subs of at least £58m. Over 70% of this payment goes towards making the economies and competitiveness of numerous previously weaker EU countries, stronger than our own ability to manufacture and export. If your government allows this situation to carry on, then our children's world will have no economy. Our coffers will have been well and truly bled dry by your treachery.

Lastly, as an MP, I believe you will have been sworn in to act in the interests of the British people and especially those of your constituents. Perhaps defending the British Constitution would be a good place to start ? The Bill of Rights 1689 states quite clealy that no overseas ruler or law maker can inflict laws and regulations on the UK without defeating us in a war. The UK government's only mandate with Europe is that of a trading agreement with the European Economic Community - there is no mandate regarding immigration, law making, currency, interest rates, etc, and certainly no mandate for us to be controlled by an overseas constitution within a Union. You need permission from the UK citizens to allow that and you do not have it. You need to ask us nicely, but the longer you deny us our rights, the ruder the response will be.

Perhaps, Mr Lidington, you and your fellow government cronies should take a long, hard look at yourselves before dismissing your constituent's worries as isolated little local issues. The EU has a massive effect on all of the issues you mentioned that they raise with you and its YOUR job to facilitate solutions, not ignore us as imbeciles !!


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