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Bloody Unions Again !!

by Craig Chapman - Party Leader - 07:59 on 14 September 2011

No sooner do the leaves start to fall after another barely existent summer, as we have the Union bullies rattling their sabres. They just don't do summers of discontent do they - probably because they are on lengthy overseas holidays, spending their £100,000+ p/a salaries.

Teachers, freshly back from a paid 6 week break have decided their pensions aren't good enough.

Bin collectors think piles of black plastic bags enhance a street.

I've given up trying to imagine what airport staff and train drivers actually think.

These public sector workers do provide an essential service, but when will they realise that it is profits and taxes created by private sector workers which provide the budgets that pay their salaries and pensions. The same private sector workers who's own pensions were battered senseless by Gordon Bloody Brown.

These hypocritical Labour party voters stamp all over their cake and then throw their toys out of the pram when they can't gorge themselves on the leftovers of their thuggery.

The Tories aren't doing a great job either, especially with the Town Hall Liberal yellows on their backs. Cameron & Co should have the courage of their convictions and act to support those who voted for them - the tax-paying contributors.

The Derby train workers group hits court this week with the local Tory Council standing up against their own party government. This I will support 100%, but I offer no support to the hypocritcal unions who think they have a position to fight in this mess. The day they stand up to and stop financing the Labour party which signed away our rights to the EU (which is to blame for the Derby Train workers losing jobs) perhaps then they might be deserving of a little respect.

If these striking fools wish to keep their golden benefits, then perhaps they will tell the overpaid union bullies to sod off and get proper jobs themselves. Society has enough leeches, without these professional busy bodies making the situation worse.

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