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MP's Hypocricy

by Craig Chapman - 16:22 on 11 August 2011

It was really annoying watching Nick Clegg on Breakfast TV this morning.

The sheer hypocrisy undermines his supposed intelligence and cultured upbringing.

He twittered on about how well the police has coped with the recent riots and that no cuts have been made yet, so that wasn't an issue. He asked how society has become so split and sick.

Well Mr Clegg, your LibDem party's snivelling for the last 15 years is a good place to start the search.

The influence that a constant distant 3rd place party has had over discipline, law and order has been staggering. They have introduced so many grey areas that it really is no surprise to learn that so many yobs think they can do exactly as they like.

Its not just yobs from the backstreets. We have millionaires offspring popping up all over the place place, drugged off their tiny noggins, bringing down the country's heritage, We have drivers cutting up all and sundry and then blaming any alert driver who dares to peep a horn at them.

The "WASN'T ME BRIGADE" are everywhere and they run carte blanche over us thanks to the number of GREY AREAS forced upon us by the LibDem thinking, that has become the conscience of the Tories and Labour elite and stunk out our Town Halls.

We then had 3 MPs sat around the BBC Breakfast table, each out for a bit of point scoring, creating even more confusion for the masses.

How can the police know what is expected of them, if they act against one march that gets out of hand and see their own mates in court on murder charges, and then they stand back from riotous drugged-up yobs and get asked why they didn't do more.

Ms Ali (Labour, London MP) attacked the Tories for all the mistakes Labour made over 11 years of cock-ups - uncontrolled Immigration, political correctness, no money for public services, Euro-passive judges, European Court of Human Rights etc. Honestly, I thought, what a horrible, hypocritical bitch and I'll stand by that thought.

The LibDem guy actually made a lot of sense and I just thought "this guy is in the wrong party." He called for good parenting and discipline, as I'm sure we all do, it just happens that his LibDems and their council do-gooders have almost eroded such qualities from our lives.

The Tory lady made a couple of short comments and completely missed the boat in putting down the 2 upstarts in front of her. This is EXACTLY what is wrong with the Tories. Many of their ideas are well-based, they just don't have the balls to go through with them. Have the courage of your convictions people and stop pussy-footing with our livelihoods !!!

We have seen some brave and honourable actions from within some of our ethnic communities of late and they should be commended. Turkish and Sikh teams protected their properties, groups of all colour and race came out to clean up the mess made by the selfish yobs. The Pakistani father who has lost 2 sons to a car driven by black gang members, calling for peaceful reflection.

We just hope that these people remember all of this when it comes to the next elections. The narrow Liberal path trodden by both the last Labour and the present Tory governments have allowed these grey areas to dominate and boost the egos of the yobs.

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile !!

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