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Mindless Feral Thugs

by Craig Chapman - party leader - 14:35 on 09 August 2011

Well, Liberal wets, are you happy now ?

Take away discipline, tie the police up in grey area nonsense and winge your ways through programmes like Question Time and what do we get ?

Anarchy !!

The selfish, mindless thugs carrying out these attacks on our city centres and people's livelihoods are, somewhere down the line, part of the social deprivation etc, but no-one is making them run riot like this (perhaps their drug supplier gang leaders), but themselves and their feral, selfish mindset.

And - where the hell are their parents ?

There's no jobs ??? So make yourselves employable - learn to speak English properly (none of this childish rap lingo), dress yourselves with your trousers somewhere above your hips and say goodbye to the "wasn't me" brigade, maybe they then would stand a chance, but I certainly wouldn't employ people who act like this and I can understand why others don't too. Plenty of people have brought their aspirations above the level at which they were born and I'm sick and tired of hearing from Liberal do-gooders how sorry I must feel for them.

I expect a queue of them at my front door thanking me for working so hard and paying my taxes, for them to have free Nike trainers and hoodies !! Ungrateful scum !!!

Our Police are caught between being a force and service. Endless Liberal nonsense, cost cutting and EU Court of Human Rights directives have rendered many of their top officers toothless.

If they were to arrest all those yobs in the street, it would take 2 officers per yob to hold them down and then at least one of the officers would be off the street doing the paperwork, whilst our taxes pay for their court cases and any detention.

I suggest using water cannons, spraying pink dye. Let us all see these cowards stand out and be shown up for what they really are.

Zero tolerance policing is a Popular Alliance policy. If these yobs have guidelines and parameters marked out, then matters will not reach anywhere near this level.

Grey is a very dangerous colour, hence the Popular Alliance colours of black and white - for a distinct reason.

Whilst we have uncapped immigration, ridiculous laws unconstitutionally dictated from Strasburg and Brussels and a bunch of wet Liberals in No 10, what else can we really expect ?

Is Mr Cameron hugging a hoody today ?

Once again, Popular Alliance call on the UK citizens to take more note of the politics that dictate their daily lives, stop voting for the main 3 parties who are all as bad as one another with their Liberal slants - and once and for all, take responsibility for the future of our nation.

It is also noted that several Waterstones shops remain undamaged, unlooted, in between the wrecked electrical stores and Nike trainer shops. Does this tell us something ?

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