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Have Students Stopped Thinking ?

by Craig Chapman - 05:17 on 15 December 2010

Firstly, Popular Alliance condemns the mindless violence being committed in London by students and groups associating themselves with students. For them to also attack our future King and his wife is beyond reproach and amounts to Treason, for which they can think (that word again) themselves lucky that they were not shot.

We can only scratch our heads when these people are lining up outside the Conservative HQ. It was Labour who lost all the money, why not go and shout at their HQ too ???

As for the LibDems, this the party that wants the world to be all flowery and can’t face reality, so it should not be a surprise when they change their minds like the wind direction – fence sitting is hardly a new concept for them. LibDem anger ??? Grapes shall be crushed..... if blame should be apportioned, then aim it at the people who voted for them !!

As a tax payer, I am all for the rise in University Tuition Fees, but do also have a few reservations on the subject. Our country is in a dire financial crisis and these selfish students should consider their mindless ranting very carefully. There are countless students swanning around for 10 hours each week studying Media Studies, Sociology, Lady Gaga and all sorts of needles claptrap, at my expense – I am not happy about this and believe that they should be charged the full price for their studies prior to them getting a job that utilises 0% of their studied information.

There are also other students spending 25 hours each week studying subjects that will be of use to putting our nation back on its feet. They too should be responsible for the full course fee, but once in employment, have subsidies from within those industries and associations to help them pay off their debts. The government has spoken out that we need more people studying subjects that contribute to our nation’s wealth and they are right to do so, but many students see it as an insult that they should be encouraged to be more responsible in their choice of subject. Get real, these are hard times. Those who drop-out should be charged the price of their education up to that point.

Students are not my responsibility, so why should my taxes provide them with free studying when so many other benefits that my taxes should bring me and my family, are being closed off.

Let us consider the situation in USA. So many students have to work for 1-2 years to earn their university fees. During this time, they also learn that the lower paid jobs they take are not what they want for the rest of their lives and this gives them a set of values that many of our students couldn’t possibly consider as they take their “Gap Years.”

There are numerous inconsistencies associated with all of this, that Popular Alliance believes should be addressed more directly by our government :-

· Scottish & Welsh students get free University tuition whilst English students don’t – such inconsistencies are a joke and in present circumstances, causing a lot of anger.

· We do consider that paying billions in EU membership, overseas aid, illegal immigrant legal aid and paying the workshy to sit at home, are all less important than the rebuilding of our own national economy, of which education in key subjects should play a huge part. We need a work force capable of contributing to the public purse, not further unbalancing the drain on resources that tax payers provide.

· We also keep hearing about “poor” people deserving a fairer system. In some cases yes, in others, no damn it !! So many country’s economies have overtaken ours, not through molly cuddling their poor, poverty-stricken citizens, but through getting off their backsides and earning their deserved rights by working their collective asses off. Britain has too many benefits and it’s made many of the population lazy and over dependent on hand outs from the public purse.

Popular Alliance believes in fairness, but also in taking responsibility for yourself and for your country. Clichéd marching slogans from students stinks of Labour and their childish Unions – we hope that students can prove that they can be a lot more intelligent than this. All we are hearing right now sounds like disgruntled starlets being voted off X Factor.

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