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2 Sources of Hot Air

by Craig Chapman - 08:32 on 17 April 2010

Iceland and Manchester ??? The ozone layer over Europe is taking a right pasting this week.

Whilst ff%%^(*&(*^~@~^* continues to belch ash over European air space, Manchester held its own as 3 party leaders exhumed more hot air than an Alex Ferguson half time hair dryer. The only common sense and fact my ears picked up was from UKIP's Lord Pearson after the event, when he commented that 3-4 of the subjects covered at extremely long length were completely invalid for discussion as those decisions are made in Brussels. FACT !!

In fact, the Immigration debate was hilarious. Peachy bright spark Nick Clegg (and his Tony-Blair-cum-Simon-Cowell impressions are awesome) suggested that the LibDems would regionalise immigrant workers (eg) a Polish man can install plumbing in Cornwall, but anyone who tries to employ him in Newcastle will be breaking the law ???? (I'm an Aston Villa fan and under Clegg's Britain, our captain Stylian Petrov could only play 3 away games each season, whilst Arsenal would have to leave and entire team and manager in London !!)

Well Nickypoos, that bunch of charlatans in Brussels whom you revere so much, wouldn't let you do that, they'd be upholding the human rights of the said immigrant - usually 3 light years before they'd uphold the rights of a British plumber to get those contracts. In fact, these EU citizens seem to be able to do whatever they wish on our land, whilst our former Commonwealth folk have been pushed aside - not that they should gain favour over UK born workers either.

Davey Boy Cameron played a quiet and uninspiring game. He had Bagpuss chirping in his ear throughout and didn't rise to the bate once, so perhaps well done on that account, but you should be able to swat him like a pesky mosquito by now, without upsetting the spineless brigade. Dynamic he wasn't.

The Scots pillock Alex Salmon (swimming upstream as ever) accused Davey Boy of proposing to nuke China - maybe the volcanic fall out is having an effect already on the Northern Islands, as there's a strange greeny-yellow mist surrounding this idiot, but then again, its more likely self-produced !!

We're still not sure about your commitment on some issues Dave, you do need to put your foot down a lot more forcefully sometimes. This was your chance to speak out regarding EU resitrictions and by not taking it, are we to now fully believe that you are in favour of the EU riding roughshod over our land ? That fence you've sat on for so long, is falling down.

All 3 spent ages trying to accuse each other of potentially letting someone down through trying to find a £6 billion sum to throw at the damaged ecomony. Well we throw away more than that every year on our EU subs and significantly more again, through our loss of competitiveness due to the EU shackles that these 3 idiots support so emphatically. And yet they refuse to even speak of it - taboo subject - those are MY taxes you are throwing away Bagpuss !!!

So back to Gordon Brown. Given the number of cock-ups his team of clowns make every day (and lets face, they'd be hard pressed to make more - maybe its their only consistent achievement) many people have developed a bit of a soft spot for Bagpuss. People have started to almost feel sorry for him. However, we saw a determined monster on the stage this week, this guy knows exactly what he is doing and therefore deserves evey insult coming his way. Never has such a load of twaddle been more forcefully and confidently uttered. This man is the slime of the slimiest gutter and Mandleson is the froth on that slime.

We have also read in the last week that Bagpuss (a cross between bagpipes and a howling cat ??) admits to having made a mistake in de-regulating banking when Labour first started their powertrip. He said that those evil bankers had told him to do it - pass the buck again !! As a result, he now refuses to listen to doctors about hospitals, Generals about wars, teachers about schools.... the list goes on.

Quite what makes this man such a bloody expert is anyone's guess. The sheer arrogance to think he knows all the answers, this craggy character who has never taught anyone anything, never healed a sick person, never fought a war, never assembled something, put it in a box and sold it, never tried to sell his produce at market, never tried to ???? Oh  I give up bothering to justify the arrogant idiot, will someone PLEASE get him out of my sight before I damage something !!!

I didn't hear anyone mention COMPLIMENTARY POLICIES either. They all speak of spending cuts leading to job losses. Perhaps that's good in some areas as it will make some useless windbags do a proper job for the good of the nation, but the biggest waste of public money is made through our last few government's policies all being a odds with the rest of their policies. This means that many aspects end up being paid for to do once, then paid for again to move 3 feet to the left, then paid for again to be painted green, then paid for again because they don't comply with Brussels' wishes. Consider how many people are involved each time one of these changes is made -  the Quango, the consultants, the planners, the H&S, the workers, the parts, the surveyors.... the savings are limitless !!

(eg) Immigration - I constantly get called a racist for using my calculator !! Economics are not racist, they are important facts that these idiots should stop shying away from. Immigration affects Welfare, Schooling, Jobs, Housing, Transportation, Language, Banking, etc, etc.... but none of those 3 party leaders mentioned these other subjects during the invalid Immigration debate. Why ? If they want nice statistics to back up a tougher immigration policy, then they have to widen their information basis and they'll have all the justification they need. Instead though, they rely on the knicker wetting of a few pathetic urban social worker types with ology degrees in wasting my taxes.

Davey-Poos and Bagpuss were tied in knots by a misguided parrot in a gold tie. Imagine how they's stack up against someone with a A4 sheet of facts !!!!


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