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UKIP Leadership Race

by Craig Chapman - 08:43 on 17 November 2009

UKIP leader Mr Farage spread himself across the BBC Politics Show on Sunday once more.

With him stepping down as UKIP leader and standing as an independent Tory in Buckingham against the Speaker of the House Mr Fulcram, Farage will have to forego his MEP position.

It was not surprising that he made this move at the same time as his EU grouping became led by a more powerful Italian team and as inquiries into MEP expenses come to a head, with a fellow UKIP MEP now sitting in jail. The UKIP Treasurer also resigned at the same time.

So, if Farage is not standing as a potential UKIP MP, why is he still meddling with the party leadership race and backing Lord Pearson ? Farage has been the common denominator regarding the breakaway of at least 3 parties from UKIP, with his undemocratic leadership of the party being the main gripe amongst those jumping ship - the same very democracy he accuses the EU of avoiding ??? He almost qualifies for a Labour seat with level of hypocritical banner waving AND whilst we're on the subject of Mr Farage's scruples, he also accuses the EU of dodgy accounting.......hmmm.

Likewise, many of the main issues that UKIP have used in Manifestos have been avoided when it came to voting in Brussels, in fact reports suggest that the lucrative sign-in-sod-off practice which so many adopt at EU Towers, was not even managed by the UKIP MEPs on the days of crucial votes regarding issues their party members stood for and supported. Talk about a let down.

Just why was he in Brussels we ask ?

So, the leadership race has several names coming forward. Both Lord Pearson and Nikki Sinclair still support Farage, whilst Roger Knapman really missed his TV opportunity to drop a soundbite worthy of a single vote, although he came across as the complete opposite of the oily Farage which could be a nice change.

Popular Alliance put their faith behind Alan Wood.

Alan is an experienced and respectful operator who can approach tricky subjects with a more open mind. He is not happy that the anti-EU groups have all split away and is a believer in them all re-uniting. This certainly meets with our approval and we wait in hope with the majority of UKIP members, as they dream of achieving a similar level of success in the Westminster elections as they did in the Euros. To do that, they will need a lot more support than from a few disaffected Labour and Tory voters lending them a shout, amongst a dreadfully low turn out in the recent Euro elections.

We must also look at the UKIP name. United Kingdom Independence Party suggests isolation. We certainly disapprove of the EU having any say in how our country is governed, let alone turning Westminster into little more than a group of nodding garden gnomes who sign endless cheques for them, however we have nothing against our European friends and neighbours.

We need to have agreements and systems up and running with our neighbours in Europe, just as we do with USA, Norway, Switzerland and our old Commonwealth countries, but we do not need this overbearing monster ruling our island, and we are quite sure that given a free vote across Europe, the no voice would be immense outside of the little countries that gain so much from our free hand outs.

In fact, we suggest that the Lisbon Treaty / EU Constitution farce will create uneccessary barriers between our nations and could be the cause of some nasty fall-outs, especially if one or two countries are seen to be throwing their weight around.


Euro-Sceptic - No, 

Anti EU - most definately !!







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