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More Lockerbie Farce

by Craig Chapman - 07:17 on 21 August 2009

Update : 2nd September (sometimes a rant is just what IS needed) -

Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No ??? What an appalling government. It seems they sort of wanted the Libyan mass murderer to go back home and not die in Scotland, but just not in the context we accuse them of !!!

Absolute Bollocks Brown !!! There is no polite way of describing your drain-crawling lowness. You and your party make my stomach turn. You have even caused the slimeballs in Washington to retch. That's low !!

If Gordon Brown did not know of, or have any influence over this decision, or could not imagine what effect it might have around the world that he claims to lead in the fight against terror, then he is really not doing his job - the job he keeps telling us that he is best suited for !! Get a grip man !!

Is it possible to remove Cowdenbeath from the United Kingdom, sell it to Libya or something, in which case, Brown would have no claim to a place in our so called government ? At least the Scottish Parliament is honest slime !!

We now learn that his fellow slithery thing, disgraced speaker of the house, Michael Martin is now a Baron, a reward for lowering our parliament into the gutter of Ide Amin level nest-feathering. Honestly, a couple of hundred years ago, we would have been riding south with swords drawn to de-capitate this bucket of scum.

Saddle my trusty steed, I'm all for that !! We'll just sort out our Risk Assessments, Method Statements and some 3rd party insurance and we'll be on our way, after leaving "out of office messages" on our emails.

Crikey, we couldn't even host War Of The Roses these days, we'd get sued for having sharp thorns and the wrong Ph of peat. They can't control this country with religious doctrines, so they just ride slipshod over us and tax the living daylights out of us as a last insult. Why the hell do Iranians still come here, they're relatively free and respected where they come from, compared to our lot !!


Quote of the decade in The Sun yesterday... 

Gordon Brown got off the plane in Afghanistan and made his way across the runway like....

"A Paedophile on a Bouncy Castle !!"

Hmmm, this is just the image our nation needs to portray to the world.


26th August - What a miscarriage of justice and bloody insult to those who died in the Lockerbie plane bomb and on the ground.

What form of Liberal appeaser would free a person who has shown no remorse for the slaughter of 270 people ?

Brian Flynn, who's brother JP was killed on the plane spoke from USA this morning on GMTV and said that as a Jesuit, he considers that only bad can come from showing compassion to a wicked act. Popular Alliance is 100% behind you there Sir.

The carry-on we have had over Ronnie Biggs being consistently denied release to die at home after one of his gang shot 1 train guard during a robbery, makes a complete mockery of the justice system and gives even more credibility to the leech-like lawyers who make a very comfortable living from our taxes, as they defend the indefendable. 

Join Popular Alliance and join the fight to say goodbye to this manner of bullshit for good !!



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