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What A Busy Gordon !!

by Craig Chapman - 17:39 on 28 July 2009

Update 3rd August : Mandleson and Beckett to save the Labour party ??? hahahahahahahahaha hoohohahahaheheheheeee

hohohohohoooooohohooohchortlesnort !!

Someone's GOT to be having a laugh !!

Is there no end to Gordon Brown's busy-ness ?? The guy is pounding out the policies like there's no tomorrow - maybe he knows something we don't. Well, at least he doesn't have too many more tomorrows in this job, however he seems determined to leave one hell of a pigsty for Davey-Boy Cameron.

The fact that everything Brown touches turns to utter kack (the new politically-correct term for shite), takes nothing away from his sheer effort !!

He wants to tax our patios, conservatories, views of golf courses, partial views of the sea (does that allow for the sea coming within view at a later stage due to coastal erosion ?) What about views of pitch and put courses by the sea ? and partial views thereof ?? 

He wants to deprive young soldiers whom he has sent to war, of being cared for when they get injured, as they drive around in the basic land rovers our government has supplied, getting shot at and blown up with mines. These lads and lasses are far more deserving of the golden pension pots than the slime in Westminster.

He's allowed Norfolk police to appoint bouncers with the remit to hand out fines. The Norfolk judiciary are getting their wigs in a right knot over this one and Brown MkII (Jack Straw) doesn't give a monkeys. What next ? Gypsies to have their illegal camps ordained for staging weddings ??

His delightful NHS is allowing (some) Muslims to wander unwashed through our hospitals as they suggest that alcohol-based hand cleanser is against their religion. Will someone PLEASE stand up to these people. If its not bad enough having the unelected EU making up laws for us, we now have this Sharia codswallop getting Matron in a tizz too.

You don't wash, you don't get health care - OK !!! And if you want to live by Sharia law, then sod off to one of the messed-up countries where they still allow it and leave us in peace.

Whilst Brown's bunch of wallies naff off for 12 weeks holiday (I guess they need it after facing his ugly mug for the other 40-odd weeks of the year), the EU will continue to send through all manner of law making for us, all passed without a discussion, as there is nobody home to try and say NO !!! if they'd even dare.

In fact, we ask, does our parliament have a use anymore ? It seems the EU and Muslims make all of our rules, they are enforced by bouncers and back room mullahs, whilst our courts are so tied up in political correctness, we can almost guarantee that the biggest crime in the UK is to be careless enough to have your burgled or to tell an Irish joke.

How we pray for a lazy prime minister, without endless committees (quangos) with nothing better to do than make up uneeded laws, and then hide behind the sofa when we actually need some sort of decision making or democtratically  elected leadership.








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