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Small Parties Must Unite

by Craig Chapman - 17:19 on 17 July 2009

Popular Alliance formed nearly 4 years ago, as a break away group from Veritas, which in turn broke away from UKIP 5 years ago. UK First broke away from UKIP this year. Plenty of English Democrats probably took a similar route and no doubt several dozen Referendum party landed in one of the above too.

So what makes these small parties break away from the bigger group ?

Is it that they have egos, too big to be satisfied in a larger party ?

Or, is it because they feel these bigger parties are led by egomanics who don't behave in the required/desired respectful manner ?

Whatever the reason, it is playing into the hands of the main 3 parties, because unless we unite, we cannot hope to fight them.

I can remember sitting at Veritas meetings wishing I could bang some heads together and I was informed UKIP was much the same before that.

Yes, we're all fed up with the EU, Labour, the Tories and LibDems but unless some form of mature mutual respect is taken on board, we'll just remain a bunch of idiots, grumbling into our newspapers, not deserving the votes we dream of.

Certainly, Mr Farage is a big reason behind so many splits from UKIP, as are their lack of policies to enforce, if they ever are sucessful on removing us from the EU. He speaks superbly on TV, but has attempted almost none of the moves represented on their party manifesto. He was silent during the Lisbon Treaty signing and only piped up when he needed re-election for his paycheck. He rules the party in a most undemocratic manner and must be the best weapon the big 3 could have working in their favour. UK First members said they didn't leave UKIP, it left them !!

Popular Alliance want all of the like-mided small parties to unite, either under an umbrella of enthusiastic co-operation or under one name. It would represent so much more hope for the voting public, than endless names of parties with only 1 or 2 policies or ideas - often the same, from website to website.

Even dedicated single issue groups and parties like the Greens, Tax Payer's Alliance, CIB etc, could come on board and be in charge of their own particular specialities. They'll never make it into power on their own and all we ever hear from them is moaning and criticism, rarely positive alternatives.

A single issue group often has enormous fall-outs when it comes to discussing a wider range of policies. Popular Alliance formed precisely to create a wide range of complimentary policies in a mature manner. We have done that in a respectful way too, and with very little of the name-calling, faction-splitting rhetoric experienced elsewhere.

So, we ask the other parties and their leaders :-

i) Are you content with being big fish in very small ponds ?

ii) Do you ever hope to get your policies acted upon ?

iii) What's more important, your ego or your policies ? and getting rid of Brown, Cameron and the thingy bloke ?

Let's talk guys





Comment from Greg at 15:41 on 20 July 2009.
Basically, you are spot on.

The UK has been shifting to the left and the liberal totalitarianism for well over a decade. One of the many reasons the right has not fought back effectively is because we have been divided, and therefore remain conquered. We've slowly woken up to the fact that the Tories have deserted us but we've done so at different times. That has resulted in various groups and splinter groups all working in isolation.

But as you point out, the enemy of our enemy is our friend. Many of the anti-EU and small 'c' conservative parties have more than enough in common to allow us to work together and there is absolutely no other way we will achieve power in time.
Sure working in alliances will raise new challenges and issues , we would need to be ready to overcome them and ensure we work for the betterment of the UK and not ourselves.

This is not a time for egos and pettiness, if we have to merge, make compromises or whatever else, then let's do it!

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