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Labour Are Indeed - LIARS

by Craig Chapman - 08:57 on 30 June 2009

Update 2nd July - Gordon Brown just does not get it does he ?

His sorry bunch have been in power for 12 years now and cocked up everything good about this country through their meddling and incompetance, so it makes me want to vomit every time he comes on TV to promise that he is the man to put things right, when quite clearly he has been one of the people who either allowed or made so many things fall apart in the first place through their appalling decisions and deceit.

The latest is his criticism of people facing credit card and loan debts !! Pots a kettles don't come close after he sold all this nation's assets, borrowed like there's no tomorrow, and saddled us tax payers with monstrous bills until hell freezes over. Gordon Brown is the worst possible kind of hypocritical liar, so why the hell did anyone let him, Blair and Mandleson near Downing Street ?? 


It was good to see Fraser Nelson writing in the News of the World on Sunday, regarding the 1 million votes received by the BNP in the recent Euro elections. Yes, he rightly slams their motives, but he holds a mature discussion as to why so many felt they had to vote that way. 

A couple of facts about Labour policies that have resulted in such an influx of immigrants during the last 12 years of Labour rule :-

i) Apart from the public sector, how many additional jobs have gone to British workers since 1997 ? None. In fact there are fewer British-born workers in the Private Sector now than in 1997 when Tony Blair was voted in. 

ii) In the last year, there are 119,000 migrant workers in new UK jobs and 615,000 fewer British born people in jobs. As Fraser says “there is no point pretending that this isn’t happening, workers can see it with their own eyes.”

UK workers are being laid off at 5 times the rate of migrant staff. 

By allowing this to happen, or even by engineering the whole situation, the Labour government and previous Tory governments have played directly into the hands of the BNP and have no grounds to complain at people’s reactions. We had years of Labour snobs telling us we were racist to complain about it and even just 4 years ago when we formed Popular Alliance, we were being accused of being racist for stating basic, truthful economic facts about the situation. Now, 4 years later, we have been proved 100% correct and many of the Labour snobs are on their way out.

The BNP however are unable to voice many of their core policies because many of those who voted for them last month would be horrified. Given the opportunity on live TV, 2 of their top members falied to voice one damning fact. Their policies are based purely on hate, not on any sound economic reality.

1,000 Brits are emigrating every day and welfare packages imprison British workers, so it hardly surprising that the government needs to bring in others to do the work. Meanwhile us tax payers are saddled with the burden of paying for those on benefits and many of the migrant workers are banking their earnings overseas, literally bleeding our economy dry. 

Labour are trying to suggest that 1.5 million British workers are working in Europe, whilst the true figure is only one seventh of that. 

David Cameron has this week accused Gordon Brown of “telling fibs” and we have been saying this for 4 years. With the Iraq inquiry coming soon and the Bank of England’s reports on the true state of our economy, David’s comments are very close to the truth (they just need a bit more conviction). Labour is a Government in denial, a bunch of lying, nest-filling spendaholics and is truly unpatriotic. 

The Tories also offer little of worth, but being the “other main party” they will win the next election and just shuffle some of the funds from one hidden place to another. 

This country needs a shake up from top to bottom, the present economic disaster shows exactly where hiding-the-truth gets you. 

Popular Alliance policies call for a huge reduction in immigration, smaller government, freedom for small businesses to prosper, freedom from the EU, more self-reliance on food and energy supplies, no income tax for those earning under £15K p/a to get them off benefits and a whole regime of putting the United Kingdom first.

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