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Oh What A Night - GB & The Unshine Band

by Craig Chapman - 15:22 on 08 June 2009

Well, 3rd overall, 5th in Eastern & SW England, what a shambles our government truly are.

Popular Alliance have to congratulate UKIP on their outstanding results in the EU Elections. We stand by our long term criticism of their leadership and were it not for their attitude within the party, we would still be keen flag waving members of that party. Indeed, Mr Farrage spoke this weekend of UKIP MEPs success in campaigning for a "No" vote on the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland and yet they were silent at the same time in the UK.

We recognise that many UKIP voters will be those who do not follow their internal trials and tribulations and we also know that it is Popular Alliance and UK First Party who have the real UKIP values, coupled with a level of internal respect that dwarfs that of UKIP. UK First themselves gained 78,000 votes in the 3 areas in which they stood, as a 4 month old party. Popular Alliance do not recognise that the European Union has any legal jurisdiction upon our shores, therefore to stand candidates would have been inconsistent with our policies.

It is also amazing that at a time when our government cannot help itself from digging its own crater to fall into, the LibDems still make so little ground. They lost on overall EU votes and picked up one additional MEP. The big winners again were the Tories who still have no concrete EU plan or policy, which sums up the lack of interest and understanding amongst the public.

The only way that Labour can claw back any ground now is if Simon Cowell publically declares that he feels sorry for them. Lets face it, Gordon Brown is not running the party anymore, the unelected slimeball Mandleson is doing that. Meanwhile the cabinet is re-shuffling itself and where the hell they dragged Glenys Bloody-Kinnock from is anyone's guess.

As for the BNP gaining 2 MEPs, our main 3 parties only have themselves to blame for 10 years of accusing anyone who questioned immigration matters as a racist. We supposedly live in a democracy and whilst we can all complain about the BNP, and the BBC can fill its interview sofas with ethnic group representatives (some more well meaning than others) the fact is that the BNP has right to exist and voice its views and the longer the powers that be try to hide them and will not ask the average white man in the street why he might be tempted to vote them (and close to 0.75 million did) then they will continue to grow. Ignorance is dangerous, so perhaps Simon Cowell could step in and educate us in this matter too.

This is going to be interesting !!


Comment from Greg at 12:46 on 11 June 2009.
Will we be running MEP's in future in order to give PA some power from inside the enemy?

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