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by Craig Chapman - 07:36 on 25 March 2009

Popular Alliance do try to keep an eye on who reads our websites, what subject bring in the most searches and which subjects attract the most emails (nice or not so nice).

Certainly our Healthcare / NHS reports and blogs attract a lot of attention, mostly from people searching the internet for information and comments.
Our European Union reports and moves also attract good readership, with some very high surges in daily readership.
Strangely, our tax blogs and reports seem to attract the fewest readers !! Does no-one care how a huge chunk of our wages is used ?
This demonstrates to us that many people can get very fired up over single issues and they can devote a lot of time to researching them, perhaps some people have a relative who has been messed about by a hospital, or Grandparent's care home is being forced to close. Or perhaps someone is adamant about keeping the pound currency.
These issues are important of course, but by getting wound up about one bad Labour move and deciding to vote Conservative is not going to solve your problem, nor vice versa. There is a far bigger picture here.
Your relative is not going to get consistent care from any health authority if your taxes are being wasted elsewhere and all 3 main UK parties have the same policies with only minute details to argue over. That all 3 are controlled by the European Union is not some scaremonger tactic, its the truthful situation and it drains enormous tax revenue from our deserved services, and also makes many of the companies that employ us less competitive.
We had a telling off for suggesting that the 10 ECO-new towns required for a shrinking (indigenous) British population had anything to do with out-of-control immigration and EU workers coming here. The newspapers are afraid of using that suggestion in case we upset someone who shouldn't be here. Look at the bigger picture people !!
On the subject of ECO-towns, digging up fields is not ECO - end of !! We should be looking at creating ECO-zones in our towns and cities, which might then drag the less ECO areas nearby, into some form of improvement.
We admit it, general politics is boring and confusing. Our government likes it that way because it stops so many people getting involved in trying to expose their endless errors and treachery. Our newspapers expose various issues on a daily basis, but do we the British public ever do anything about it ? No, we just hand power to the other bunch mirror images across the Westminster table. Out of the frying pan, into the fire. What is the point in that ?
Who's local rates have gone up this year ? Mine certainly have, even though as a Parish Council we reduced by an average £12.00 per month. Our Councils have all lost millions this last year, in Icelandic accounts, in needless politically correct schemes, in boosting pension pots, in red tape, in hiring consultants and legal advisors, in none jobs..... Does anyone actually try to do anything about this, or do we all just take it on the chin and obey this rubbish ?
Countless children have suffered at Birmingham Children's Hospital this year directly because we were all too weak and misguided to complain about mass immigration a few years ago. This problem has been brought about by Liberally minded fools who want to give all our taxes and national identity away and then insult us when we need help.
Nothing will change until everyone is hungry and out of work, because we are in general too lazy to do something about it now. We said this 3 years ago and took a lot of criticism - but now look at the financial mess we are all facing.
Surely we deserve better than this, but only if we get off our collective backsides and do something about it. 
We didn't form Popular Alliance because we want to be a bunch of tedious, tit-for-tat, politicised, clever-clogs, word-spinning freeloaders.
We formed Popular Alliance because we are mightily PISSED OFF off with way our country is run and dictated to from overseas and we also PISSED OFF also with the malaise the general public seems to have about changing anything. 
Comment from Greg at 15:49 on 25 March 2009.
Strangely, our tax blogs and reports seem to attract the fewest readers !! Does no-one care how a huge chunk of our wages is used ?"

I think tax is a dry subject. People understand that tax is a reason for the government to take money from us but beyond that, they only want to know which party will tax them the least. The nuances of how it is spent or handled is a perhaps a stretch too far for the casual reader, though it's vitally important for those of us serious about politics of course.

Emotive issues like healthcare are, as you rightly say, easier for Joe Public to relate to.

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