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Redruth vs Yobs & Chakrabati

by Craig Chapman - 09:10 on 14 August 2008

I cringed my way through Shami Chakrabati’s performance on GMTV this morning. What is the point of this infuriating woman and when will they stop wheeling her out to splutter the biggest load of bull this side of the Taliban ? 

The voluntary curfew carried out so far through the summer holidays in Redruth, Cornwall has worked wonders for so many residents who have had to put up with the same yobbish behaviour from out of control teenagers for so long, all fearing to get involved and do something about it. We have seen the results of tackling yobs many times in the news and every time, people like her will indirectly defend the rights of yobs who are approached by massively provoked residents. 

The police were exactly right, a child under 14 years old should be home by 8pm and a child under 16 years old should be by 9pm. End of story, what is the argument ? It is obvious that many parents are incapable of enforcing any form of discipline, so they have had a bit of help from the police – and it has worked – about time too.

Ms Chakrabati thinks that the human rights of numerous “young adults” have been infringed. OK, firstly, they are not young adults, they are children. If a well behaved child from a good home with responsible parents needs to come home from Scouts or band practice after 9pm, then perhaps their parents or a friend should collect them – job done and in most cases this is exactly what good parents do. This curfew is not a problem for anyone who acts in a civil manner. 

What the Redruth police have installed is acceptable guide lines and boundaries, and the reaction has been good. The interfering Liberals have eroded these boundaries in our lives over many years now and the result is wild, drunk and drugged up yobs scaring the hell out of endless law abiding families, the knife epidemic being a typical example. In many cases, these people then grow up to become a burden to the tax payer and a massive nuisance to the decent majority. We have our own rights to do something about it.

Ms Chakrabati and her small membership group of interfering wets that constitute Liberty just don’t realise that many people cannot control themselves without boundaries and that those who have nothing to hide and can behave themselves can only be thankful for schemes like this, so let’s have a lot more please.

She argued that the police had leant on some of the known yob's parents to make them get more involved and help keep their feral offspring off the streets – again an excellent result and if this interfering busy body can’t see that, she needs to wake up and smell the roses – perhaps the ones that yobs throw up over in endless gardens around our suffering nation.

I must thank GMTV presenters Andrew Castle and Kate Garraway for putting this person in her place.

 Now can we please stop having these people on the news. It seems that every time a subject like this covered on the news, we have to create some form of TV debate and give airtime to these interfering stirrers. Why ? There is nothing to argue about. If it upsets you, then you are part of the problem. Deal with it and stop ruining our lives.

Popular Alliance is in favour of zero tolerance policing, forming acceptable boundaries in society and a peaceful life for those who respect the law of our land.

Ms Chakrabati may well argue that she also supports the law, but the result of her meddling is fuel to those who wish to mouth off every time a law abiding person asks a trouble maker to behave and act in a responsible manner.

Additional comments 2/9/08 - Now that school has resumed, the curfew has ended. Coverage on BBC's One programme reported very positive signs from both those who had been terrorised by yobs and also for many of yobs and their families who had started to mend their troubled past and improve relationships in their homes.

Bill Oddie was a guest on the programme that night and he caustically dismissed the whole idea, saying that it still didn't provide places to go for the local youngsters. 

Mr Oddie, firstly you, like our endless Human Right Act waving "doo-gooders" are taking the side of the aggressors and not the victims of their booze filled aggression. You then knocked the police for questioning youths returning home from band practice after 9pm - these children only had to give a simple answer to the police who were simply doing their job and the kids were most likely relieved that they didn't have to face the yobs on their way home. (note how many Scouts these days walk to meetings carrying the uniforms in a bag to avoid bullying on the streets)

Regarding the "providing something to do" comments. There are loads of activities for these youngsters to take part in, but the yobs  aggressive and bullying manner sees them throw away those opportunities as they selfishly ruin things for others who do wish to take part, learn and have fun. These yobs need boundaries set for them as they (and their parents) obviously can't be trusted to work them out for themselves. That is exactly what the police did here and it worked. End of story. 


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