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True Colours - such a insight !!

by Craig Chapman - 07:52 on 24 June 2008
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has a tendency to keep showing his true colours, which whilst perhaps showing him to be an honest and emotional man, this also shows the exact motives behind the European Union and its attitude. He blasted the Irish for voting NO in their recent Lisbon Treaty Referendum, calling them “Bloody Fools” and carrying on with, “they stuff their faces at Europe’s expense and now they dump us in the sh**.”
Well, quite, Mr Sarkozy, that is exactly why we want nothing to do with the EU. Our taxpayer’s money IS being spread all across the place, financing all manner of projects for other countries to improve their way of living (whilst our own crumble) and as the attitudes displayed at the Eurovision Song Sham shows, they are happy to take our money but also very quick to throw insults back in our faces. Perhaps then Mr Sarkozy, you are technically as anti-EU as we are but just haven’t realised it yet !!
Personally, I am happy to write off the bits of my own taxes that paid for Ireland if it buries this Communist sham once and for all. It wasn’t the fact the fact that the Irish are ungrateful, it was your attitudes in Brussels, just telling them to sign or face sanctions and by trying to push through your failed constitution the back door and confusion – you got found out and you don’t like it. Bullying arrogance is what you display and I’m very sure you would get the same response right across Europe if you had the balls to ask the citizens paying the taxes and not just the politicians living off them. Even the pro-Treaty MEPs in Ireland accept that a degree of democracy is a good thing, not being pressured and spoken down to by some jumped up (well he his very short) jerk in France throwing around his orders like a dictator.
Meanwhile, our High Courts have told Mr Brown to hang fire on finally ratifying the Lisbon Treaty as he still referred to as “THE DEFENDANT” in the country that he believes he governs. Again the blind, untouchable, arrogance of these people is beyond comprehension. Mr Brown, the truth is that this country absolutely hates you, we have no respect for anything you try to do or say, you are no more than a bumbling arrogant lying idiot and the sooner you go the better for everyone.
I watched an EU review on the early Sunday TV news. There was an English lady, a French man and a Bulgarian lady MEP. The English lady had a page full of facts showing how UK money was being spent to improve power generating plants across Europe, whilst prices are being monopolised by some leading utilities providers, against the EU’s and UK’s own laws. The French man just made a couple shrug like comments that suggested he didn’t care, whilst the Bulgarian lady thought that the EU was doing a wonderful job investing in new power plants in her country. Yes, and that is OUR money she refers to, whilst investments in our own power plants are zero. We presently buy our electricity from France, our gas from Russia and our oil from whoever is actually pumping some this particular week - Bulgaria I assume ???
The 42 days palava being played out over recent weeks has many sides to it. Many of those who agree that we need better defence against terrorists in our country have little faith in our government using such a law for the common good. They will have it turned around against anyone making anti-immigrant, anti-EU and other kind of  comments that usually get Shami Chakrabarti into a tiz. This is why so many are confused about David Davis’ decision to stand down from the shadow cabinet and go for a bi-election campaigning on human rights. On the face of it, we see an MP who is standing by his principals, and yet he is reported taking advice from one of the most unnecessary interfering busy-bodies in our country. 
I personally believe that many of the principals that David Davis speaks of are correct – the auctioning of principals in parliament, the untrustworthy government, the 2-faced approach etc, so why go and ruin it all with needing Ms Chakrabarti’s involvement ? I do believe that the business of civil law is different to that of terrorism, the terrorists say that they are at Holy War (Jihad) with us “Western Infidels” so surely that means that their detention is that of Prisoner of War and not just “At Her Majesty’s Pleasure”? Ms Chakrabarti has again shown her “my way or the highway” attitude by jumping all over (not literally I stress) the Culture Secretary who commented on her chats with Mr Davis – again these people lose all credibility when they try to make a decent, popular statement but through some ego-based gaff, their true colours really shine through and we see them for what they really are.

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