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Budget Reaction - A Government In Denial

by Craig Chapman - 09:12 on 15 March 2008

Well, as we predicted, silly eyebrows didn't get any additional taxing. Talk about being prophetic !!

It really sums up this government's unresearched, broken-calculator, kneejerk reaction culture when The Sun is able to rip them apart by using Labour's new car tax methods to demonstrate that Nissan Micra owners are now facing higher taxation gains than owners of Humvee tanks, thanks to Mr Dahhhhling's revelations this week.

It is excrutiatingly embarassing that our country is being run by people who bounce from pillar to post, through their own shallow approach to everything that they touch. Yet, they treat us with utter disdain if we dare to question anything that they throw at us.

Do they not care that everything they touch is so easily ripped apart with so very little effort. There are so many issues that they could not get more wrong if they tried.

Let's list a few subject that they have completely misfired on :-

Immigration, Law & Order, Health Care, Education, Taxation, Democracy, Wars, Discipline, Welfare, Energy, Transport... just about everything that we trust them with. I believe that TRUST went out of the window long, long ago. This is not about party politics anymore, this about responsibility for our lives. We have been very badly let down by some very untrustworthy and conceited people.

How can anyone justify a vote for these incompetant liars ?

How can the opposition find it so hard to displace them ?

Every time that our Government wheels out some new law or legal initiative, we find that they forgot to consult the judges, who then fail or refuse to carry them out.

If it wasn't so damn serious, we would be in hysterics, laughing at them, almost feeling sorry for them. As it happens though, we are paying for this sorry saga with our taxes, our fear, our suffering, our complete and utter despair at the way so many things line themselves in the news every day that can be attributed to this bunch of incompetant, in-denial fools.

Yes, we have a government IN DENIAL. That is one sorry place to be.

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