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Getting There, Perhaps ???

by Craig Chapman - 10:02 on 08 January 2008
Happy New Year Folks
Well, we have seen both Mr Brown and Mr Cameron on TV this week, trying to out-sensible each other and if both keep their promises, then some good might come of it all.
Mr Brown wants everyone have health MOTs with the aim of helping prevent us all suffering so many life threatening ailments in the future, thus taking the burden off the NHS. Of course that is sensible and doctors have been asking for such a move for a long time. So just what have you been doing for ten years Gordon ?
Dare we hope that Mr Brown is just as keen to employ more British junior doctors to carry out the MOTs, as our dedicated GPs are presently working themselves into early graves. We also hope that he keeps faith with this initiative, as he has already moved the goalposts on funding for hospital clean-ups. 
Regarding his comments to blame patients for bringing their own MRSA with them, if the hospitals are happy to deal with (eg) the cancer, that they try to cure, but not the MRSA, is this not being MRSA-ist ? Either treat ill people or don't !! Is he suggesting that some ailments are more politically correct than others ? Everyone else blames hand washing for spreading MRSA, have the goalposts shifted again Gordon ?
The closer monitoring of contractor's work and their abilities is something that Popular Alliance has highlighted for a long time and we hope that our input has helped to shape this common sense initiative, although quite how things were allowed to develop to such low levels in the first place suggests that someone has had their eye off the ball for 10 years or more.
Once more, Mr Brown failed to mention the EU Treaty that he has just signed. His eagernes to tell our services personel that they should not be greedy in their pay rise demands, whilst he continues to hand over £40 million every day to an unaudited, shady organisation, suggests that Latvian Zoos and slush funds have priority over our own soldiers, sailors, airmen, police, nurses.....  
Mr Cameron has followed suit with the TV charm offensive (actually his charm can sometimes be a bit offensive !!) in stating that we cannot continue to finance the job shirkers and those stuck in the claiming culture.
Again, good common sense, as we have been shouting for since our party's beginnings. Back then, we were criticised for offending people's human rights, but now Mr Cameron says it, it's OK ??? Popular Alliance really are a prophetic party !! Davey-Boy however failed to throw in the fact that the imported labour is swamping our hospitals, schools, housing, utilities, councils, schools..... How can they contribute to our economy whilst in overall terms, they cost so much to employ ? He often starts a good argument then leaves out (or hasn't got the bottle to reveal) the punchline.
Popular Alliance go a few steps further, in that we acknowledge that many of those on sick benefits suffer from stress (don't we all ?) and other inconvenient problems that just make full time employment so much harder to handle with the constant day-to-day demand for results.
We propose that many of those on long term sick are able to work to perhaps a lesser level and therefore we propose job sharing, with lower benefits to supplement the situation. In this scenario, some will find that they are enjoying the work and perhaps move into full time, whereas others, who expect us taxpayers to finance their lives, should at least contribute 2-3 days work per week, with days off in-between to recover.
Keep the common sense coming guys and please have the courage of your convictions to still be saying (and implementing) the same things in 6-12 months time - your records on popular common sense are not that good.
Meanwhile, across the pond, America is calling for CHANGE.
Not for many years have so many younger people been seen getting involved in deciding who runs their country and the old ratings system seems to have been blown apart.
Well, we are also badly in need change in the UK too. Conservatives gave us years of short term policies that brought a boom and bust economy, whilst the Bank of England's sound financial skills have provided endless funding for Tony & Gordon's endless do and undo policies - but world economic events are threatening their ability to fund their maverick ways for much longer..
Yes, we need this change too, but that is not an invitation for the LibDems to get all excited either. Their influence upon the last 2 governments is plain to see, a country where the law is not upheld and where bullies prosper with their claims and threats culture. For a party of wets, they certainly do their best to hand more power to the bullies and takers, creating an interesting juxtaposition, almost a crying out to be stamped upon !!
Now is the time for a new name to bring along Common Sense and Responsibility for Our Nation. The last election saw fewer than 40% of the electorate bother to turn out. This means that Labour & Conservative could still gain the same amount of votes as last time and yet both lose the next national election to a new majority government.
If you wish to continue paying ridiculous levels of tax for a bunch bumblers to witter away on everything except that which needs doing, then go ahead and vote for the present 3 larger parties.
If you are fed up to the back teeth of all of them, then get off your backside and demand change. Popular Alliance has the policies to :-
* Spend our tax on us
* Re-install Law & Order, Immigration Control & National Pride
* Gain our independence regarding fuel production, trade & taxation
* Provide jobs for British citizens and get the claimers back and contributing to our Nation's wealth
 With those simple steps taken, the UK can start to grow again
Join the Popular Alliance and help us make it happen

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