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You Stupid Lying Traitor

by Craig Chapman - 18:45 on 13 December 2007

A simple and direct title to this blog, and yes, Gordon Bloody Brown is the target of my anger.

Traitors were once locked in the Tower of London and fed raven droppings. I'm afraid that would be too good for this idiot.

What the hell has he gone and done to our country ? He has signed away our Nation.

He turned up late (though not as late as German soldiers in Afghanistan) to try and make a gesture to the British people that its all no big deal !!! This gesture has now backfired as he angered the very slimebags he's meant to be cosying up to. The guy is a walking disaster area and miles out of his league.

You promised a referendum - you lied

You promised the treaty is different - you lied

You say its no big deal, that we should trust you - you haven't earned that trust, and now you've lost any chance of ever gaining it.

We hear that 117 EU flags are waiting ready to fly from government buildings in the UK. Coming from a government who couldn't even get out of their ivory towers to stop council buildings refusing to fly our own national flag in case they insult somebody, well I'm bloody insulted by the EU flag, so what are you going to do about that ? Or am I the wrong colour to matter ? Now who's racist, eh Gordon ?

That blue tea towel with diddly stars around the middle is NOT OUR BLOODY FLAG. It's no-one's flag. Its a novelty tea towel for occasional visitors to Brussels to buy for their Great Aunt's Chrimbo present !! It represents out of control fraud on a scale way beyond that of Mugabe. And yes, Frau Merkel, he should be challenged , but hardly by you, given how deeply involved you are with this sham of a circus.

We now also read that either you (Brown) forgot that you have now lost your grip (if that's the right word) on a few thousand failed asylum seekers, as they can waste even more of our hard earned taxes, in taking their whole farce to the European Court, or you knew all along but kept quiet - again. Christ you are bloody useless. Remind me, how much do they pay you every month ?

You have told us NOTHING about the EU. Is that because you know NOTHING or because they are greasing your palid little palm with all manner of Euros, Mercs, Chateaus...a nice retirement fund...... ?? Everything we learn about the EU is another reason to widen the English Channel. If you support and defend that behavoir, then you tar yourself with the same brush.

This is not a BNP style rant, it is an honourable refusal to get involved with an organisation that (i) has no rules (ii) refuses to act honourably (iii) refuses to be audited (iv) wastes my taxes on those who have no bloody right to them (v) has no elected right on these democratic shores. Our country has been signed away by an unelected man to an unelected bunch of frauds. How do you expect us to feel ? You have British soldiers dying in Iraq & Afghanistan, fighting to uphold the democacy that you deny us. Have you no shame ?

To be fair, several European Heads Of State have come out and said openly (though very smugly) that this Treaty is the Constitution with a different name but with the same goal of a United States Of Europe. At least they are honest that they want to get their slimy mits on our money, laws and land. Its only our greasy slimebag of a PM (and his predecesor) and his nearest bunch of incompetant wallies who say differently. They are either very stupid or liars (and yet even more stupid for believing that we might fall for their lies).

That is the problem with the EU issue. It is not just the fact of it been run by an unelected bunch of *&@~#......... its all the knock-ons as well. Immigration, Human Rights, Road Pricing, Currency, Tax Distribution, Defence, Prices in Shops, Fuel, Inconsistencies, Grey Area Abuses, different expectations in different countries, how can our economy be aligned with the likes of Romania and Latvia, we can barely agree with France and Germany, to whom we are lot closer in financial standing. People can make their own charitable decisions. We have enough disagreements in our own little country, without bringing the rest of Europe's vast problems and idiosyncrysies to the table as well. Our own house is far from in order and that should be our focus.

Europe has some wonderful attributes, some wonderful people and creates many excellent products and environments. We want to trade with them, we want to communicate with them, we want to be friends. We had a perfectly good trading agreement.

We do NOT want an unelected bunch of expense account smuggies running our courts, distributing our taxes, running our borders, taking 80% of UK jobs available in the last 12 months and flying flags that represent countries that will not even stand side by side with our own brave soldiers.  

Gordon Brown. I suggest you take those size 11 wellies out of your ears and mouth, stop scoffing at British people and resign. NOW !!!



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