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A few weeks ago I had my van sign written by Dolphin Signs in Newport, Shropshire. They have done a superb job and I am very happy with the work.

I am pleased to announce that Platform 3 Models is now a DCC Concepts retail account holder this is very useful to me as I can now offer their quality equipment to my customers. I would like to say I DO NOT hold stock of their equipment and would order in what is required.

 "And now for something completly different"

I was recently asked to make a doggie gate for my friends Simon & Max at Simon's Train's in Holsworthy this is to keep their four legged friend Daisy dog out of mischief in the shop.

Not my usual layout building but still railway related






One of my interesting tasks I've had recently was this Hornby APT (Advanced Passenger Train) which has come in for remotoring not too difficult but it does require some patience and some fiddling about to get the new motor boge to fit now I have to get hold of another motor bogie to finish the job.




       Contact me by email platform3models@hotmail.co.uk

                         or by phone on 07811903231


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