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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 14/08/2014.


It is important to remember :

  • No two people with pelvic girdle pain are the same. Each person   will have their own unique combination of symptoms and clinical signs.
  •  Treatment should be tailored to each person individually.

First Steps:

Ask for referral to a physiotherapist with experience of treating Pelvic Girdle Pain.

Depending on where you live this may be an obstetric physiotherapist at your local hospital, a  women's health physiotherapist or a specialised musculoskeletal physiotherapist.

They will assess you, looking in particular at the movements of your spine, the position and movements of your pelvic joints as well as assessing your muscles, nerves and what you are able to do functionally.

The tests that they will do will depend on your own unique combination of symptoms and signs but may include:

  • Asking you to bend forwards toward your toes while assessing movement of your spine and pelvis
  • Asking you to stand on one leg while bending up the other knee
  • Asking you to lift one leg then the other straight up  off the examination couch while lying on your back (Active Straight Leg raising Test)

These are just a few  examples of some of the tests that can be used to give your physiotherapist further information. The tests will be adapted  to your own individual circumstances and if you are unable are unable to do some of the things that you are asked. don't be concerned. This in itself will give your therapist useful information.

Next Steps:

A treatment plan will be recommended  tailored to your own unique symptoms and signs and  which  may include:

  • Mobilising joints which have become stiff or "stuck"
  • Correcting the alignment of the joints within  and between the lumbar spine, pelvic girdle and hip
  • *Restoring the best possible function  of the "core" or "deep stabilising" muscles. 
  • Improving the function of the "global muscles" which often work in groups  to move and stabilise joints  e.g gluteal muscles 
  • Rehabilitation in functional/activities of daily living

*Retraining the "core" or "deep stabilising" muscles is usually an important part of treatment but before doing this it is often necessary to work on the soft tissues and to treat muscles which have become tight and overactive.

This  involves "hands on " manual techniques which may vary according to the preference of the therapist  and which may include muscle release techniques, joint mobilisation, massage and muscle energy techniques.  They will then  look at how the muscles of your low back and pelvis function, the "core" or "deep stabilising" muscles. Have a look at our page on "core stability" for further information.

Your physiotherapist will also give you advice on ways to make your day to day activities easier and may also recommend referral to other services such as Occupational Therapy

Pelvic Girdle Pain can be safely treated by an appropriately trained physiotherapist at any stage of pregnancy or postnatally.

If your physiotherapist is unfamiliar with treating pelvic girdle pain don't be afraid to ask for a second opinion.

If you are having difficulty finding a therapist to treat you please contact us by email at and we will do our best to help.

Some osteopaths and chiropracters have developed a special interest in treating Pelvic Girdle Pain/Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) and it may be worth considering this option also.

Also massage therapy can be very helpful in reducing pain and relieving muscle tension and can also be very effectively combined with treatment from a physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropracter experienced in managing pelvic girdle pain/Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD).

Further information on the role of pregnancy massage is available on our pain management page.

If you feel you have received excellent treatment it would be very helpful to us and to  others in your area who may be affected by pelvic girdle pain if you could share  the details of the treatment you received and the therapist with us. Thankyou.

 We will be adding to the material on this website  including information on other options for  treatment, pilates,  and  further information on managing pain both acute and chronic  so please check back later. Further information on other sources of help can be found on our links page and we would recommend having a look at the ACPWH Guidelines on pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain.

 Contact us

By email at or write  to Pelvic Instability Network Scotland, Suilven, Southend, Argyll PA28 6RF if you would like further information, help with finding a therapist or if there are any issues you would like us to raise.

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