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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 14/08/2014. | ||
On this page we have included links to websites which you may find useful.Please remember that Pelvic Girdle Pain /Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction is a recognised, treatable condition and that the symptoms that people experience vary greatly. We include a wide range of links here in order that you may find something that may be helpful to your own particular situation. Pelvic Instability Network Scotland (PINS) is not responsible for the content of external websites.
Acupuncture Alternative Therapies The Bowen Technique ChiropractersDeveloped in Australia, the Bowen Technique uses a series of gentle, rolling movements over the soft tissues at certain points around the body. The aim of this holistic treatment is to encourage the body to heal itself. The General Chiropractic Council Cognitive Behavioural TherapyA body established by parliament to regulate, develop and promote the chiropractic profession. Living Life to the Full General Information for Dad'sWebsite written by a psychiatrist with many years experience using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Dad Info General LivingA website providing information for expectant and new dad's on many aspects of pregnancy and parenting. Disabled Parents Network Disabled Parents Network is a national organisation for disabled people who are parents or who hope to become parents Red Cross HolidaysLending service offering loans of medical equipment including wheelchairs Center Parcs personally recommended by one of our members. Worth considering if you are looking for a holiday destination friendly to people with mobility difficulties. Mobility scooters available for hire and new comfy beds. Not the cheapest option but they have some good offers available Tourism for All Independent MidwivesFormerly Holiday Care.This site gives some information to help you with planning a holiday if you are experiencing mobility difficulties Independent Midwives Association Maternity CareIndependent Midwives Website including a search facility fo find an independent midwife in your area Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services(AIMS) AIMS campaigns for better understanding of the normal birth process and also provides support and information about maternity choices in the UK and Ireland Homebirth Reference Site Angela Horn's Home Birth Reference Site MIDIRS (Midwives Information and Resource Service) MIDIRS is an educational charity set up in 1985 providing information and practical resources to maternity healthcare professionals. Their mission is " to be the leading international information resource relating to childbirth and infancy, disseminating this information as widely as possible to assist in the improvement of maternity care" Scottish Doulas Network OsteopathyA network of doulas based throughout Scotland and N England who work independently but share a commitment to supporting women before, during and after birth. The General Osteopathic Council Other Sites which you may find usefulFollowing the Osteopaths Act 1993 the General Osteopathic Council was established to "provide for the regulstion of the Profession of Osteopathy" The website includes a search facility to check if an Osteopath is on the register Birth Crisis The Birth Crisis Network is a helpline in Britain that women can call if they want to talk about a traumatic birth. Their website contains further information and the helpline telephone numbers. Birth Trauma Association Provides support to all those affected by traumatic births Natal Hypnotherapy An approach developed by the hypnotherapist Maggie Howell. CDs are available to purchase which you can use at home. Pelvic Pain Support Network The Pelvic Pain Support Network is a registered charity. They attend local, national and international events and represent pelvic pain patients at many meetings, seminars and conferences. The British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy The British Association of Couselling and Psychotherapy was founded in 1978. Extensive information on the different approaches to therapy is available on this website including a search facility to find a therapist near where you live. Yogabirth Other Support Groups for Pelvic Girdle Pain/Symphysis Pubis DysfunctionProfessional Association of Yoga and Childbirth Educators. This website contains details of classes and yogabirth practioners in Scotland. Australian Pelvic Instability Association Based in Victoria, Australia and with over 100 members worldwide the Australian Pelvic Instability Association provides support and informaiton to people affected by Pelvic Instability New Zealand Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction Resource Group A support group based in New Zealand providing support and information to people affected by Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction Pelvic Partnership Pain ManagementA charity based in Oxford and run by volunteers with personal experience of SPD. Pain Association Scotland Pain Association Scotland have a network of support groups throughout Scotland which hold regular meetings given people a chance to talk about how they feel, be listened to, hear how others have coped with a similar problem and learn ways to actively control pain. Pain Concern PhysiotherapyProvides information and support for pain sufferers and their carers, telephone help line, free fact sheets and on line discussion forum Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women's Health New Guidelines have recently been published on the management of Pelvic Girdle Pain (formerly Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction) and the safe use of TENS in pregnancy Diane Lee Internationally renowned Canadian Physiotherapist who runs courses in the UK on the management of Pelvic Girdle Pain Manipulation Association of Chartered Physiotherapists PilatesA group of over 1000 physiotherapists who are members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and have undergone additional post graduate training and reached a recognised standard of excellence in the field of neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy Pilates Foundation The Pilates Foundation is a not for profit international organisation for Pilates teachers and training. Founded in 1996, it brings together qualified Pilates teachers who are passionate about providing the highest standards of training and practice of Pilates and maintaining the principles and integrity of the work. This website also has a search facility to help you find a teacher in your area who is accredited with the Pilates Foundation The Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute Post natal DepressionThe Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute trains physiotherapists and equivalent degree therapists in the Modified Pilates Technique. Courses are also held in Scotland and their website has the latest course schedule. Depression Alliance Scotland Scottish Charity working to support people affected by depression. New Post natal Depression Helpline 0800 3457 457 Mon/Wed/Fri 9am-5pm Tues 9-9 Postnatal Illness Support Formerly Veritee's Post natal Illness Website. Good website with useful information including personal accounts The Association for Post Natal Illness Practical Help and Financial AdviceA national registered charity providing support to mothers suffering from post natal Illness. They run a telephone helpline, produce information leaflets and have a network of volunteers. Citizens Advice Guide Proving information on a wide range of issues including benefits and employment rights Home Start With over 300 groups across the UK, home start volunteers offer support to any family that needs help as long as they have at least one child under the age of five. Jobcentre Plus Website contains information about benefits which may be available Sure Start A government funded organisation providing support to children and families Working Families Working Families provides information on a range of issues including maternity leave and pay, employment rights, childcare and flexible working. | ![]() ![]() |
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