The map showing where the Revolutionaries met up, starting at Hunts Barn and local mens houses, they walked as far a Giltbrook Nottinghamshire, via Ripley, Codnor, Eastwood before being apprehended
An artists impression of Jeremiah Brandreth, "The Nottingham Captain" at his trial for high treason for leading the Pentrich Revolutionaries
Descriptions/information of the men that I have accumulated to date
Jeremiah Brandreth
Age at time of Revolution, 31
Profession, Framework knitter
Resident of Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire
Description, Height short, Complexion yellowish
Married, 2 children with wife expectant
Executed 7th November 1817
Isaac Ludlam
Age at time of the Revolution, 52
Profession, Farmer, Quarry man
Resident of South Wingfield, Derbyshire
Married, 14 children only 7 surviving
Executed 7th November 1817
William Turner
Age at the time of the Revolution, 46
Profession, Stonemason ex-soldier
Resident of South Wingfield, Derbyshire
Description, None
Executed 7th November 1817
Thomas Bacon
Age at time of Revolution, 64
Profession, Framework knitter
Resident of Pentrich, Derbyshire
Description, Height 5' 6 1/4’’ Complexion yellow, pock pitted. Hair silver/grey
Unknown marital status
Died 1831
Sentence, transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, arrival December 1817, aboard the ship "Tottenham",
Thomas was sick aboard ship on the 2nd February 1818 with erypsilis, redness & swelling of left leg, sharp pains & sensation of burning heat
John Bacon
Age at time of Revolution, 54
Profession, Framework knitter
Resident of Pentrich, Derbyshire
Description, 5' 6" tall, Complexion sallow, Hair light brown, Eyes hazel
Married, 5 children
Died May 1828
Sentence transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, arrival December 1817, aboard the ship "Tottenham"
John was sick aboard ship on 5th February 1818, difficulty of respiration, severe breast pain & cough, copious mucous, feeble pulse, shrunken features, anxious countenance
Ticket of leave 27th June 1827 district South Creek,
Free pardon August 1834
George Brassington
Age at time of Revolution, 33
Profession, Coal miner
Resident of Pentrich, Derbyshire, native place Ripley, Derbyshire
Description, 5' 10" tall, Complexion ruddy, Hair brown to grey, Eyes grey blue, Distinguishing marks powder marks on face, lame left leg
Married, 5 children
Died August 1846
Sentence transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, arrival December 1817, aboard the ship "Tottenham"
Ticket of leave 26th March 1827 Sydney
Changed to Hunters River 14 April 1827
Patrick Plains 25th February 1831
Absolute pardon 1st January 1835,
German Buxton
Age at time of Revolution, 31
Profession, Coal miner
Resident of Alfreton, Derbyshire, native place Wessington, Derbyshire,
Description, 5' 10" tall, Complexion fair, Hair brown, Eyes grey
Married, 1 daughter, re-married Esther Shimell
Died August 1835
Sentence transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, arrival December 1817, aboard the ship "Tottenham"
German was sick aboard ship on the on10th June 1818, sick on ship, scurvy, swelling of gums, blotches on legs
Free pardon 1st January 1835,
John Hill
Age at the time of the Revolution, 30
Profession, Framework knitter
Resident of South Wingfield, Derbyshire
Description, 5' 0" tall, Complexion sallow, Hair brown to grey, Eyes hazel to grey
Distiguishing marks, lost tooth left side upper jaw, scar middle finger right hand
Marital status unknown
Died 1849
Sentence transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, arrival December 1817, aboard the ship "Tottenham"
Absolute pardon 1st Jan 1835,
Samuel Hunt
Age at the time of the Revolution, 24
Profession, Farmer & butcher
Resident of South Wingfield, Derbyshire, native place Denby, Derbyshire
Description, 5' 7" tall, Complexion ruddy, Hair brown, Eyes hazel, Distinguishing marks two round scars on chin,
Single, married Elizabeth Seville in Australia, became licensee of 'The Green Gate' pub in Church Street, Parramata in 1837
Died 1858 of dropsy
Sentence transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, set sail, 6th March 1818, aboard the ship "Isabella" arrived Sydney 14th September 1818
Ticket of leave 1827
Absolute pardon 1st Jan 1835
John McKesswick alias "Scotchman" (McKissock)
Age at the time of the Revolution, 37
Profession, Framework knitter
Resident of Heanor, Derbyshire, native place Ballantrae Inverness
Description, 5' 8" tall, Hair light brown turning grey & balding, Eyes grey, Distinguishing marks large nose
Married, 3 known children
Died November 1853
Sentence transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, arrival December 1817, aboard the ship "Tottenham"
Ticket of leave 31st Aug 1830, district Sydney
Free pardon August 1834,
John Onion
Age at the time of the Revolution, 48
Profession, Iron worker
Resident of Butterley, Derbyshire, native place Madeley, Shropshire
Description, 5' 2" tall, Complexion ruddy, Hair grey, Eyes blue-grey
Married, with children
Died August 1840
Sentence transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, set sail, 6th March 1818, aboard the ship "Isabella" arrived Sydney 14th September 1818
Ticket of leave 1st November 1831 district Sydney
Free pardon August 1834,
Absolute pardon 1st January 1835
Edward Turner
Age at the time of the Revolution, 34
Profession, Stonemason
Resident of South Wingfield, Derbyshire,
Description, 5' 8" tall, Complexion ruddy, Hair black, Eyes dark
Married, 3 children, re-married Ann Cawson, built and ran the 'Stonemasons Arms' Sydney
Died 1841
Sentence transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, set sail, 6th March 1818, aboard the ship "Isabella" arrived Sydney 14th September 1818
Edward was sick aboard ship on the, psora, continuous eruption, very itchy especially in bed, 29th Mar
Ticket of leave 6th April 1827
Pardon 1832,
Absolute pardon 1st Jan 1835
Joseph (Manchester) Turner
Age at the time of the Revolution, 19
Profession, Clerk
Resident of South Wingfield, Derbyshire,
Description, 5' 9" tall, Complexion fair, Hair dark brown, Eyes dark hazel, Distinguishing marks, pearl on right eye
Single, married Ellen Frazer in Australia, became 'Wharfinger' at Goose's Wharf
Died 1840
Sentence transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, arrival December 1817, aboard the ship "Tottenham"
Ticket of leave 27th Jun 1827 district Parramatta
Conditional pardon 1832
Free pardon August 1834
George Weightman
Age at the time of the Revolution, 26
Profession, Sawyer
Resident of Pentrich, Derbyshire,
Description, 6' 0" tall, Complexion ruddy pockpitted, Hair dark brown, Eyes hazel,
Distinguishing marks scar left side upper lip
Married, 4 children
Died 1865
Sentence transportation to Australia for life,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, arrival December 1817, aboard the ship "Tottenham"
George was sick aboard ship on the Jan 13th-21st February rigors & pains in back, loins & limbs, cough & headache, bled by surgeon, slightest movement agony, Jan 16th joints swelling, limbs rubbed twice daily camphor liniment, balm tea to drink
Ticket of leave 30th October 1822 having volunteered to the settlement of Port Maquarie at its first establishment
Second ticket of leave, 15th May 1827 district Illawarra
Absolute pardon 1st January 1835
Thomas Bettison
Age at the time of the Revolution, 33
Profession, Coal Miner
Resident of Swanwick, Derbyshire, native place Pinxton Derbyshire
Died 1835
Sentence transportation to Australia for 14 years
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, arrival December 1817, aboard the ship "Tottenham"
Ticket of leave in 1825,
Freed in 1832 having served his 14 year sentence,
Josiah Godber
Age at the time of the Revolution, 54
Profession, Labourer
Resident of Pentrich, Derbyshire,
Description, 5’ 51/2’’ Complexion pale, Hair silver & balding, Eyes hazel
Died November 1822
Sentence transportation to Australia for 14 years
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, arrival December 1817, aboard the ship "Tottenham"
Josiah was sick on board ship with soreness of gums, scurvy & lumps on the hams
Joseph Rawson
Age at the time of the Revolution, 32
Profession, Framework knitter
Resident of Swanwick, Derbyshire
Marital status unknown
Died January 1821, of disease of the lungs,
Sentence transportation to Australia for 14 years,
November 1817 sent to hulk Sheerness destined for New South Wales, set sail, 6th March 1818, aboard the ship "Isabella" arrived Sydney 14th September 1818
Signatures of Revolutionaries taken from official documents and letters