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Henry VIII

Henry VIII was born at Greenich Palace on the 28th of June 1491. He was the son of Henry VII and Elizabeth. He was tought by special tutors from a very young age. He was a very clever boy.
He also found hunting a very interesting and enjoyable hobby. He was a very handsome and beautiful person as he grew up but soon everything changed. His brother Arthur became king after thier dad, Henry VII died in 1509. Arthur was married to Catherine of Aragon but soon Arthur died with a bad illness and the throne was given to Henry VIII at the age of 18. Henry also was one of the first ever King  to play tennis. Henry VIII wore very wealthy and beautiful clothes. Henry VIII was married to Catherine of Aragon (wife of Arthur). Catherine of Aragon gave birth to a girl named Mary. Henry wanted a son so when Henry dies his son will take the throne. So he divorced Catherine of Aragon and maried a fair lady, named Anne Boleyn. Henry VIII became fat and ugly due to the amount of food he ate in banquets. Henry was also famous for his love of music and he was a great singer, composer and a musician. Henry's wife Anne Boleyn gave birth to a baby girl named Elizabeth. Soon Henry found  Anne Boleyn trying to kill him and made his guards execute her because of high treason. Henry was also a really cruel man because who ever disagreed with him he would execute them. He then married a girl named Jane Seymour who was very pretty and kind. She gave birth a boy named Edward VI and lived happily with Jane Seymour. Henry was very happy and found Jane as his favourite wife as she gave birth to a son. Unfortunately Jane Seymour died due to blood poison. Henry would have lived with his children but hazard struck. He disagreed with an Italian pope and needed to make friends with other countries so he married a German girl, Anne of Cleves. She had a big nose. Soon Henry divorced Anne of Cleves and married Kathyrn Howard. Guess what happened. Kathyrn started to act a bit more romantically to other men so Henry VIII executed her! He then married Katherine Parr because he was getting very ill and his children needed to be cared of. Unfortunately Henry died s. He was buried next to Jane Seymour as he requested that when he dies he wanted to be buried next to his favourite wife, Jane Seymour. His son Edward took the throne on the 28th of January in 1547 also due to illness.



This is a picture of him when

he was old and ill. He still

looked rich and wealthy.

This picture shows how fat he is but this was a painting. He is wearing a silk cloth with jewels in it.  

This is just a little sketch of Henry VIII.


This is a video of all six wives from the Horrible History on CBBC, interesting.

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