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I’m too old/fat/unfit to dance
No, you’re not! The wonderful thing about belly dance is that really, everyone can do it and can start at any age or level of fitness. However, it isn't as easy as it looks, and you will find muscles you didn't know you had!  Without feeling like hard work, belly dance subtly and progressively improves fitness and flexibility, posture and breathing, while strengthening and toning muscles.
As part of safe teaching practice, I need to know if you are pregnant, or have health issues such as diabetes or arthritis; also if you are undergoing treatment or are recovering from injury, illness or surgery. Please chat to your GP if you’re unsure whether you should dance.
Otherwise, don’t wait until you have your ideal body, don’t worry about your wobbly bits (more to shimmy with!) – what matters is that you dance from the heart and enjoy yourself.

What should I wear for class?
You should wear something that you feel comfortable in, which allows you to move freely and not feel self-conscious.  You will be bending and stretching, so anything tight will be restrictive and uncomfortable.
For beginners, I suggest a fitted T shirt and a long, loose skirt or some sort of stretch sports trousers such as yoga pants or cotton leggings. Stretch jeans and trousers such as jeggings/treggings are really not stretchy enough.  You don’t have to bare your tummy if you don’t want to!
In winter, the room is sometimes cool to start with, so you may like to wear a sweatshirt or other layers which can be discarded as we warm up.
You can use class as an opportunity to leave the everyday behind and add a touch of glamour and sparkle (although full performance costume is not really appropriate!)
Occasionally we have a class ‘party’ and there are haflas, which are good excuses to dress up.

What should I wear on my feet?
You can dance in bare feet, but in general, dance shoes are advisable.
Dance shoes should have a flexible sole, enough room to spread your toes, stay on your feet and have the right balance of slip and grip.  You could use ballet shoes, or some of the fashion 'ballerina' pumps available now have soft soles.  Some slippers and slipper socks with 'sticky dot' soles have the right amount of slip and grip, but I discourage dancing in plain socks, as they can be slippery and don't always protect the feet. Trainers and Crocs tend to have too much grip and too little flexibility and toe post sandals tend to come off your feet!
What to wear on your feet is discussed more fully in this article on my blog.
Please keep the dance floor clean by removing outdoor shoes as soon as you come into the dance space.

Do I need to bring or buy anything else?
You can borrow hip scarves, veils and other props during class.  It's a good idea to have some bottled water.  You might also like to bring your diary, and some dancers like to carry a notebook and note down moves and other ideas.

Will it help me lose weight and give me a flat tummy?
Weight loss comes down to using up more calories than you take in over a period of time.  So, as with any other form of exercise, if you dance a few times a week and control your diet, it will help you lose weight.  If you do one class a week and treat yourself to a pizza afterwards, probably not.  But even one class a week is good exercise and will help to tone muscles, especially the 'core' - tummy, lower back, waist and hips. Many beginners find that they quickly lose an inch or two off their waist.  The use of the abdominal muscles will result in a toned tummy, which for a woman is rounded and full of curves, not washboard flat.

Can you teach me to dance like you?
I can teach you how do dance, and you may pick up on my style (or even mimic me) but as you practise and explore the dance, you will express yourself through the dance and music, developing your own style; you'll dance like you, and that's as it should be!

I want to perform / Do I have to perform?
Many dancers like to perform.  It's an opportunity to dance in a group, to entertain others, to show off a little, to dress up, to meet the challenge of learning a choreography, dancing in front of people and being the centre of attention.
There are opportunities to perform at haflas (dance parties) and other events. For the most part, these are open to all abilities.  However, you will need to come to class regularly to practise the choreographies!  Many of the haflas are informal, with lots of other dancers who also want to perform, but aren’t necessarily advanced level or professionals. The audience is usually made up of dancers, friends and family who are just there to have a good time.  This makes them a good place to start if you want to perform.
There is no pressure to perform if you don't want to.  Of course, you can still come to events if you're not performing.  Whatever you want to do, the rule is - Enjoy it!

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