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Children's Immunisation Schedule

At 2 Months

1st Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

At 3 Months

2nd Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Hib
Meningococcal group C (MenC)

At 4 Months

3rd Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Hib

At 12-13 Months

1st Measles, mumps and rubella (German Measles) – MMR

At 3yrs 4 Months to 5 Years

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio
2nd MMR

Girls aged 12 to 13 Years

Cervical cancer caused by human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 and genital warts caused by types 6 and 11 (HPV)

At around 14 Years

Tetanus, diphtheria, and polio

Immunisations shown above for girls aged 12-13 yrs and boosters for all children at around 14 yrs of age are normally offered within the school immunisation programme.

Re: BCG Vaccination (for protection against Tuberculosis) - BCG vaccination is no longer part of the routine school vaccination programme, instead BCG vaccine will be offered and targeted only to those considered to be in a high risk group.

If your children have missed any of their immunisations, the practice nurse will be happy to discuss this with you and review how to ensure your child is fully protected.


Annual Flu Vaccine

These are available from October each year

Flu vaccination by injection, commonly known as the "flu jab" is available every year on the NHS to protect adults (and some children) at risk of flu and its complications.

Flu can be unpleasant, but if you are otherwise healthy it will usually clear up on its own within a week.

However, flu can be more severe in certain people, such as:

anyone over the age of 65 
pregnant women
children and adults with an underlying health condition (particularly long-term heart or respiratory disease)
children and adults with weakened immune systems

Anyone in these risk groups is more likely to develop potentially serious complications of flu, such as pneumonia (a lung infection), so it's recommended that they have a flu vaccine every year to protect them. 

The flu vaccine is given free on the NHS as an annual injection to:

adults over the age of 18 at risk of flu (including everyone over 65)
children aged six months to two years at risk of flu



A vaccine to prevent shingles, a common, painful skin disease is available on the NHS to certain people in their 70s.

The shingles vaccine is given as a single injection for people aged 70, 78 or 79. Unlike the flu jab, you'll only need to have the vaccination once and you can have it at any time of the year.


whooping cough vaccine for pregnant ladies

Pregnant women can safely help protect their babies by getting vaccinated – ideally when they are 28-32 weeks pregnant, although they may be given the vaccine up to 38 weeks of pregnancy. 


pneumococcal vaccine

This is given to people aged 65 and over, and to people at high risk due to long term health conditions

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