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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.


60 years ~ 60 lochs ~ 60 miles

all completed!

THANK YOU to the good folk of Tarskavaig and the 60 people (what a spooky co-incidence on Halloween!)
who turned up to witness the final swim.

The last dram - with Polly and Ronnie  Tarskavaig put on a good ceilidh

Contemplating the infinite variety of bog

Some lochs are beautiful ~ sometimes, I have redefined the term 'swim'


In the summer of 2010 Duncan MacInnes swam in 60 lochs in Sleat in south Isle of Skye. Some are large and beautiful, some are small and bogaloch.

The red dots are the 60 completed. One day (in 2011) I'll add in Dalavil, the blue dot in the centre (which will be a miserable swim!) and three high lochs in the north east.

I did not walk and swim alone - that might have led to a stuck-in-the-muddy end. Polly, and occasionally other friends, came along to hold the towels. 

What's it all for?
Sleat Community Trust is the best thing to happen here since sliced bread replaced green-mouldy pan loaves that came from Glasgow on the steamer.

Sleat Community Trust Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee No. 264198, recognised as a Charity in Scotland Reg. No. SC035316

I will ask the Trust to direct this funding into some development funding for Sleat Community Trading Ltd, the petrol station and Post Office at Armadale, which has been my particular baby (well, I share fatherhood with two other men and a woman - it gets complicated!).

This is my bit before I stop being a Director after 6 years in late 2010.

Duncan MacInnes is otherwise a fairly sane man
Ostaig House ~ Sleat ~ Isle of Skye ~ IV44 8RQ
01471 844207 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            01471 844207      end_of_the_skype_highlighting ~

All contents and most images on this website are © Polly and Duncan MacInnes

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