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Bank's response to Rapport problem

by Mark Nolan - 12:49 on 05 July 2013

After the problem caused by Rapport security software I decided to prod my bank, who were 'unable to confirm whether Rapport did in fact notify the Bank of the problem'. They too have avoided informing their customers about the problem. I wonder how many perfectly servicable XP machines are going to get scrapped because of this problem and the shameful way it has been ignored by Trusteer?


Hi, I recently had an XP Pro machine stop working due to repeatedly crashing and restarting. I eventually discovered it was caused by Rapport.

I contacted Trusteer who acknowledged the problem, saying: "This issue affected a very small percentage of our customers and a version fix was almost immediately released. We had posted a reply on the Microsoft forum and notified our customers (the banks) with this issue and the solution."

The PCs affected give no indication of the cause of the problem, so most users will have no idea why their computers have stopped working, or where to find the fix. As Trusteer have notified you about the problem, when are you going to pass the information on to your customers?


Dear Sir,

Thank you for your secure message. The Bank is, as always, grateful for all feedback and I will certainly pass your comments to the relevant department. Full information regarding Rapport, including compatibility, is available via the Bank's website.

Can I ask if you have managed to resolve the issue with the help of Trusteer?


Hi, the problem was resolved by removing Rapport.

Please can you confirm whether Trusteer did in fact inform you of the problem as stated in their email to me?


Dear Sir,

Thank you for your secure message and I am glad that you have been able to resolve this issue. I did look on the internet and removing the programme appeared to be the only solution.

I am unable to confirm whether Rapport did in fact notify the Bank of the problem.


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