This page has been added for anyone who would like to experience a cinema organ interval. It actully features a Wurlitzer cinema organ, which many think the sound of the Christie Organ (the one installed at the Empire) was compared with.
Whatever, we include this experience to add to the novality of this website.
Alan Ashton writes:
WITH PAINTBOX, EASEL & CANVAS. This original organ interlude was devised and performed by broadcasting - cinema organist ANDREW FENNER when he was toiuring the ABC circuit in the 50s. The music for this re-creation is played by MICHAEL WOOLDRIDGE at the WurliTzer organ in the Singing Hills Golf Club, W.Sussex. The slides are computer regenerated copies of the originals. As a projectionist who had the pleasure of presenting this very interlude, it would be fair to say that what you will see and hear is about as authentic as it can get!