Constitution and Rules
1) The Association shall be called the Dornoch & District Angling Association and shall have its headquarters in Dornoch.
2) The objects of the Association are;
(a) To endeavour to obtain other rights of fishing for salmon, sea trout and brown trout in Sutherland and neighbouring counties.
(b ) Generally foster and encourage angling by rod & line in the Burgh of Dornoch & District and to do everything necessary for the improvement and / or protection of river, estuary and loch fish and angling facilities.
3) The membership of the Association shall be restricted as ;
a) Residents of the IV25 postal district completing an application form which may be accepted at the discretion of any two committee members and one office bearer.
(b) Persons living outwith the above area may apply to the committee for a membership application and can be accepted by the committee on a majority vote at their sole discretion. Any members outside the IV25 area who joined the DADAA after the AGM on 12.3.04 will not have voting rights in the Association but any member from outside IV25 area who serves as a committee member shall automatically gain voting status and retain their voting right should they cease to be a committee member.
(c) Junior members, under 18 years of age may be accepted for membership at the discretion of any two office bearers.
(d) The total number of members may be restricted by a decision taken at a General Meeting.
(e) The Committee of Management may create a waiting list should the maximum membership be filled. Vacancies will be filled in order of application,priority always being given to local residents.
(f) Any member, whose conduct has been in default of the rules or is deemed to bring the Association into disrepute, can have his or her membership terminated by a vote by the majority of the Committee of Management. The member concerned will have the right to address the Committee of Management prior to such a decision.
4) The facility for fishing for sea trout & salmon on Loch Brora shall be exercised between 1st April to 15th October, or such dates that may be set by the local Fishery Boards (both dates inclusive) and on brown trout lochs from 15th March to 7th October (both dates inclusive). Lochs which are stocked with Rainbow trout may be fished, (for that species only) by boat until, and including 31st October. In addition members and their guests shall be entitled to fish for Rainbow trout from the bank on Loch Lannsaidh all year round.
5) The Annual Subscription
(a) For membership shall be determined at the AGM each year. Senior Citizens may pay a reduced subscription on request, and a Junior members subscription will also be set at the AGM each year.
(b) Membership fees are due on 15th March and must be paid before the end of May. Members who have not paid within the specified time will not be eligible to fish club lochs at members rates or compete in any of the club's competitions.
6) The Annual General Meeting will be held in March of each year when Office Bearers comprising of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and eight members of a Committee of Management shall be appointed for a period of three years. Members will retire in rotation, with the option of offering themselves for re-election at the AGM. Ten association members shall form a quorum at any ordinary or extraordinary General Meeting. A President and Vice-President will be appointed from past members of the Committee for a term of three years, but can be invited to continue for a further term by the members attending the meeting.
7) The Association shall have a Committee of Management of President and Vice-President as ex officio members, Chairman, Vice-Chairman Secretary, Treasurer and eight committee members, the office bearers being ex officio members of any Sub-Committee. Six members of the Committee shall form a quorum and the Chairman will have a casting vote, in addition to his deliberative vote, to use at his/her discretion.
8) The Office bearers shall have the power to adjust and sign any Agreement entered into between the Association and the various Proprietors of the fishing rights granted to the Association. The Office Bearers whilst carrying out their legal duties on behalf of the Association will be indemnified from all personal liability arising from their actions.
9) Every member on payment of his/her subscription shall receive a membership card bearing;
(a) The Name of the Association.
(b) The Name and Address of the Member.
(c) The season for which it is valid.
(d) A Membership Number.
(e) The signature of the Secretary or Treasurer or issuing person.
The member should also sign the card on receipt, and the card should be available for inspection by any member of the Association or Water Bailiff if identification is reasonably required on fishing waters of the Association.
Members booking fishing at member's rates may be requested to produce the card or provide their membership number before the permit is issued.
All members will be presumed to have made themselves familiar with the rules applicable to the waters they are fishing as well as the general rules printed on the card and on the permit. The membership cards shall not be transferable.
10) The Committee of Management shall have the power to formulate rules governing the use of all fishing rights acquired by the Association, and such rules, after approval by the Association at a General Meeting, shall be binding on all members. Copies of the Rules shall be kept by the Secretary and shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times. A shortened version of the Rules will be printed on all permits.
11) The financial year of the Association shall run from 1st January to 31st December each year.
12) The funds of the Association shall be kept in the name of the Association with the Clydesdale Bank Pic. Dornoch, or such other Bank or Banks as shall from time to time be agreed upon. These accounts will be operated on by two Office Bearers for the time of the Association. Any investment acquired shall be taken in the names of the members of the Committee of Management on behalf of the Association.
13) The terms of the Constitution may be altered at any Annual General Meeting if notice of the intended alteration is given to the Secretary in writing not less than seven days prior to the Annual General Meeting, and that the alteration is approved by a majority of the members present at the Annual General Meeting.
DISSOLUTION : If the Committee of Management by a majority decides at any time that it is necessary to dissolve the Association it shall call a Extraordinary General Meeting of all members of the Association of which meeting not less than fourteen
(14) days notice shall be given stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed, which notice shall be displayed in a conspicuous place or places in the neighbourhood, and advertised in the local newspaper.
If a decision for dissolution shall be confirmed by a majority of paid up members present and voting at such a meeting, the Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by or in the name of the Association. The proceeds of the sale remaining after the settlement of any proper debts and liabilities shall be applied with cash balances in the Association towards the benefit of the inhabitants of Dornoch and District as the Committee may decide.
1) The waters controlled by the Association are as follows;
L.Laoigh, L.Buidhe, L.Laro, L.Cracail, L.Laggain.L.Lannsaidh & L.Ghuibhais for brown trout from 15th March to 7th October.
L.Lannsaidh for rainbow trout from 15th March to 31st October for visitor permits,
members and their guests shall be allowed to bank fish (excluding float tubes) all year round
L.Brora for salmon, sea-trout, brown trout & char from Ist April to 15th October.
Any other waters that may be obtained by the Association.
2) In these Rules & Regulations the term "Angler" means any person holding a full membership card or permit to fish by rod and line issued by or on behalf of the Association.
3) All fishing shall be by fly.
4) Sunday fishing is permitted on all lochs except Loch Brora and Loch Ghuibhais. Arrangements for permits and keys to be made prior to the Sunday..
5) Anglers shall;
a) Exhibit their membership card or permit on demand to the Association's poaching patrol teams, gamekeeper or authorised persons employed by the lessors of the waters or fellow angler, exhibiting his/her own membership card.
b) Exhibit to the Club's Secretary or gamekeeper and any other authorised person aforesaid, the tackle used and any fish caught, if requested.
c) Assist to the best of their ability in the prevention of unauthorised fishing, or of contravention of the rules.
d) Report at once to the Secretary or any committee member, any observed case of fishing contrary to the Salmon & Trout Act of Parliament and these rules.
e) Return to the water any fish which does not reach the minimum 10 inch length prescribed and particularly on L Brora where the minimum taking size for sea trout is 12 inches.
6) Anglers undertake;
- To take all their litter & discarded nylon home, therefore leaving the vicinity of all club waters tidy and follow the country code.
- Show common courtesy to fellow anglers.
- A bag limit of four fish from the Association's stocked waters, Lannsaidh and Laoigh and a limit of 2 fish from Ghiubhais.
d) To make a return of the numbers of fish caught and weight of catch on the reverse side of the permit and return to the source of permit supply.
e) Any brown trout or rainbow caught to be registered for entry into the heaviest fish for the season competition to be verified by a club member.
7) The Association and Lessors shall not be held responsible in any way for any accident and loss sustained by any angler fishing Association waters or using Association boats or equipment.
8) The angler who wilfully or negligently causes any loss or damage to Association boats or equipment shall be liable for the cost of repair or replacement of the same.
9) No boat will be hired out to persons under 18 years of age