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Konik went to live in Aviemore with Sid & Anita and their son Andrew.  He was named by Andrew (we think the name was derived from one of the characters from Power Rangers), it turned out that the name happened to be an Inuit term for a type of snow - hoar frost.
Konik sadly passed away on the 10th February 2009, at the all too young age of 1 year & six months. He fought so hard in his early months through serious illness, & pulled through against all the odds. Konik had grown into a fine, handsome dog, only to have his life cut short all too soon just over a year later.  A week before his death, Konik had been diagnosed with LVF due to aortic insufficiency.
Konik was a truly exceptional, very intelligent, simply wonderful dog, unafraid and un-intimated by anything, even as a tiny pup. So very patient, & amazingly gentle & good natured with everyone.  He was thoroughly enjoying his training as an avalanche dog……he would have been so good at it too, Cairngorm Mountain was after all his back yard !!

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