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 Crystalcreeks Brave Spirit
 (Elkanna Staffa x Trialex Lunar Eclipse)
Hips 7 / 8
13/08/2007 – 04/07/2015
It was never my intention to keep a boy puppy, I have all girls now and we live in complete harmony.  Nico was a fantastic dog, but he was hard work too.  However, it soon became clear that Quinn was a bit special and, with his working background, I took the decision that unless a superb working home was found for him, he would stay.  There was a very good pet home that would have taken him on, but I felt he would need a "job", an activity to occupy his mind rather than being just a pet, so I decided to keep him instead.  I named him "Brave Spirit" as I thought he would need to be very brave living with all girls!!!  From the first day he went out, his nose hit the ground and he started tracking.  He has a super nose and you can see him on walks, nose to the ground, following the trail of whoever walked there last.  It is his forte and I am so glad I kept him so I can bring him on and maybe do some tracking trials with him when he is older.   The only problem is that – like his sister Sky – he is not at all interested in balls or toys. He will happily run after Jade or Rio when they are chasing balls but has no interest in the ball itself. If they search for a lost ball, he will search too and I can usually tell if he has found it, but he won’t pick it up so I either get it myself or try and direct one of the others to it.
He is the most handsome of dogs and very gentle, everyone who meets him falls in love with him although he does have trouble with his ears, they do go up, but rarely and usually only when he is excited about something, and when they are down, he has just the cutest look. 
Typical of their working breeding, both Quinn and Sky are very "guardy", happy to bark at anything and see it off, yet there is no hint of aggression in them at all.  I think they are going to be dogs I can be very proud of indeed.
Sometime during Sky’s second season he managed to mate with her. It must have been a very quick in and out as they were only together when I was around and if he got close to her I only had to shout and he would back off – they certainly never tied and you couldn’t say he was infatuated with her in any way. I can only think that in a moment of lapsed concentration he managed to catch her very quickly. That privilege has now been taken away from him!!
Quinn's biggest in life is to track.  We had help from a police handler who said we needed a reward at the end for him to enjoy and learn, he soon realised that Quinn's reward was the track itself, every walk we went on he had his nose to the ground and was following some invisible line of scent, I would love to know what he was seeing in his minds eye from the smells.  Unfortunately as with everything up here, with no professional help, we could only play at it and I regret that his potential was never realised.  He would have been an amazing search dog.
My brave spirit had to leave us way too early.  A slight cough that we thought was a scratched oesophagus became fluid on the lungs after a couple of weeks and a couple of weeks after that he was gone, a fast acting tumor was thought to be the cause, but to see such a vibrant happy chap go downhill so quickly at such a young age was devastating.  He is now home with his mum who went just a couple of weeks after him and the rest of our lost friends.
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