SpanglefishCrystalcreek Alaskan Malamutes and German Shepherds | sitemap | log in
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Crystalcreeks Snow Queen
(Black Lotus Son of a Witch at Northcoast x Arctictreks Rivendale Queen)
Hips 0/0
14/05/2007 -

Rio is the puppy I kept from the Star and Fonzie litter, she was so named as I wanted a name that was similar in sound to my first Malamute Nico, she is quite a character. She loves to be part of the pack and follows them wherever they go.  At 3 months, she followed them into a river and got wet before she knew what was happening, but their confidence and obvious enjoyment showed her what to do and she is now an equal water baby as the rest of them.  Her first trip to the beach was the same, there was no-one around so she was allowed off to run with the pack and followed them straight into the sea - if they are not afraid neither am I.  When she was 4 months old I had a litter of German Shepherd puppies (mad I know), she was just the sweetest and gentlest dog with them, she was besotted with them and when they were out, insisted on going out to play with them.  She was so gentle, trying not to step on them - not easy when they are still so un co-ordinated - and got down to their level to play with them.  Now they are older, she makes sure they know she is boss!! 
We did ring craft classes with the intention of doing the occasional show.  She has done some local open shows, generally placing 1st or 2nd and received very high praise from one judge who is on the Working Breeds Council. She placed first at a Malamute Club championship show under an American judge Wendy Willhauck.   This win was important not only because it was under an american judge (who knows best about an american breed!!), but also as it was very shortly after I lost Star and so winning with her daughter was ultra special. Naturally this qualified her for Crufts and against my better judgement after my experience with Nico I decided to go.  It was ok, but I much prefer going to Crufts as a spectator.
Rio loves to run in harness and takes after her father, Fonzie for speed and working attitude, easily outrunning her mum Star and Gipsy. Unfortunately, in Scotland unlike England, you can only run two dog rig races and as I sadly lost Star I have not entered Rio into any races yet. I did try doing a bike class with her once, but at the group start she got attacked by a Sibe and it put her off badly. Her working attitude is back but her temperament passing other dogs has been damaged by the incident.  Now I just run her on the bike or rig on her own with one or two of the GSD’s running free. She averages about 9mph and has reached a top speed of 17mph.  When we can't get to run on the bike, Rio has learnt to love to fetch a ball - yep, you read right!!  I think it started as she didn't want Jade to get it, now I can have her fetching a ball for over 20 minutes, she even searches for it if she doesn't see where it lands. 
Rio is definitely top bitch in the pack now my “oldies” have gone!! She is a very loving little girl and loves to cuddle up on the sofa and rest her head on your shoulder. Though she takes after Fonzie in working attitude and drive, she definitely has some of the traits of Star – especially the vocals - and as she gets older I can see more of Star in her, makes me happy and sad at the same time.


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