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Telephone Advice

If you would like to speak to a doctor for telephone advice or to obtain the result of an investigation please telephone within surgery times if possible.

9-10:30 am is the best time to contact the surgery to speak to the doctor for advice.


Home Visits

Home visits are available for patients who are housebound because of illness or disability.  If possible please try to telephone requests for home visits before 11am.


Disability Access

The practice premises have appropriate access and facilities for patients with a disability.  Please let us know if you have any particular requirements or need assistance.


Nights and Weekends

Out-of Hours cover is the responsibility of the practice and is provided every night and weekend by the doctor.  For urgent advice, or in the event of a medical emergency telephone 01951 200328 at any time. Should you wish, you can contact NHS 24 for advice by telephoning 111.  For the latest advice regarding Coronavirus please consult "nhs inform" on line.


Practice Staff

Rhona Robinson is our practice administrator and dispensing assisstant. She works on Monday through Thursdays in the  mornings between 09:00 and 12:00.  She should be contacted on the usual surgery number (01951 200328) or 01951 200339 for all administrative matters, repeat prescriptions and general practice enquiries. She can also be contacted by email on rhona.robinson1@nhs.scot


Practice Nurse

The practice nurse is Clare Willetts.  She can be contacted on 01951 200328 or by email on clare.willetts2@nhs.scot.


Community Nurse

Beverley Reid is the community Nurse and also organises and provides Social Care on  the island.  You can contact her on 01951 200339 or by email on beverleyreid4@nhs.scot about any issues relating to community nursing and social care.


Registering with the practice

If you have moved into the practice area please contact the surgery to complete a health questionnaire and registration form for each person in your household.  Arrangements will be made for a new patient appointment when these are completed.

If you have your previous NHS card available please bring this with you. You can still register if this has been lost or misplaced. You will be asked for proof of identity,  which must include a photograph.


Temporary Patients

If you are on holiday or working on the island for less than 3 months you can register as a temporary patient.  Simply phone the surgery and when you come in you will be asked to complete a form with the relevant details. 



The practice is fully dispensing  and carries a range of  both regular and emergency  drugs.  Reserve supplies are limited, however, due to the small list size. Drugs are ordered weekly from the mainland and with adequate notice a supply of  less usual items (e.g. travel vaccines) can be obtained fairly quickly, but please bear in mind there will be a slight delay before they arrive.


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