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Prayer Diary Oct 2018

Monday 1st : Crossroads Assembly
Lord, thank You for the rich diversity of people here in Caithness who are Your church. Help us to work together, forgetting past hurts and barriers, recognising You in one another, and honouring each other above ourselves, finding no loss as we give up our own into Your care and that of each other.

Tuesday 2nd
We have all received the N.H.S. Consultation document, so we
pray for guidance in our response to this important document. The
future of our health service depends on our views and those whose
task it is to collate all the information and make the final decisions.
Be with all those involved, Lord.

Wednesday 3rd
At this time of year we are enjoying the vegetable and flower
harvest from our gardens. Creator God, help us to be mindful of
people living alone who might appreciate a visit and something
from our garden. It is always good to share our garden produce
with friends and remember that it is from You that all these
things come.

Thursday 4th
October is traditionally a month when many friends and family go
abroad for a holiday before winter sets in. We thank You, Lord, for
this time of rest and relaxation. We pray that all may travel safely
and return refreshed to face the long winter months.

Friday 5th: The Gathering in Dunnet
Lord, thank You for the changes we’re seeing in Caithness –
people happy to discuss together, welcome each other, accept each
other regardless of background and experience. Thank You for the
developing situations where this is evident – Last Sunday in
Freswick, Prayer & Praise in Castletown, The Gathering in Dunnet
and in Keiss, Café Church in Thurso, The Filling Station in Thurso

Saturday 6th Messy Church at Dunnet and new Saturday Club
in Canisbay Church Hall from 10.30 – 12.30
Please pray for this new venture in Canisbay Church Hall – that the children and parents in the community would find this challenging and useful, stimulating and reassuring. Pray for people who can help develop this – people who are interested in others, ready to listen and respond to what’s expressed.

Sunday 7th Psalm 8; Mark 10. 2 - 16
Olrig & Dunnet: ;Keiss & Canisbay:

May the God of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. (2 Thess. 3.16)
This is just one of the Bible’s precious verse 16 of chapter 3! Possibly you can think of others! This verse is specially apt as we worship and receive from God today. He is faithful to give to us.

Monday 8th

Compassionate God, who loves all of humanity, we pray for an end to the violence in Myanmar. We plead for peace and protection of the Rohingya people as they are burned out of their homes and we pray they will find places of safety to take refuge. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5.10)

Tuesday 9th
As we anticipate the Kirk Session Meeting on Thursday, give thanks for the work of Alan Gray as Fabric Convenor and pray for guidance as to who should replace him. Also continue to pray for the Nomination Committee, asking God to raise up a new minister for our congregation.

Wednesday 10th: Canisbay Assembly
Ian McCree asks for prayer “for myself in the schools at Bower and Halkirk where there are new Head Teachers.” He conducts regular assemblies there in his capacity as Locum in Central Caithness.

Thursday 11th: Kirk Session meets at Keiss
Charles Spurgeon once said “The Bible is not the light of the world, it is the light of the Church. But the world does not read the Bible, the world reads Christians! You are the light of the world.” Pray, believing that, as God’s workmanship, He prepares works for us, as individuals, and as His body, and that we will hear His voice and complete these works (for parliament and otherwise) (Ephes. 2.10)

Friday 12th
Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Ps.37.4) Lord, so often we miss the first in our focus on the second. Help us to focus on who You are, the things You are doing and developing, so that we find joy in You, not in our circumstances.

Saturday 13th
Lord, thank You for the people of all ages whom You have brought to Caithness, who are ready to serve You, and happy to get involved in developing Your Kingdom. Help us to welcome them as we’d welcome You, and to learn together from You how to work as one body.

Sunday 14th Psalm 22. 1 – 15; Mark 10. 17 - 31
Olrig & Dunnet: Archie; K & Cb Harvest Celebration:Lyall

Our Social Committee are planning a Harvest Supper in Keiss Community Hall but at the time of printing the date is not fixed. Look out for the publicity and plan to come if you possibly can, and bring friends. This is a positive way of growing our church in our communities! And please pray imaginatively!

Monday 15th
Pray for the understanding of how to make the best use of the resources we have - technology and the internet, time and energy, skills, knowledge, experience, tools. Help us to keep seeing these things as ‘not mine, but ours’ – there to be shared

Tuesday 16th Film Night at Canisbay Church Hall
Pray for folk who, in the frustration of not being able to do what they used to do, are losing confidence to do anything new. Pray that God will help us each to recognise what we can still do well, and helpfully - the ability to listen, to show care and kindness, to pray and make contact with folk who come to mind.

Wednesday 17th

Forgive me , Lord, for not speaking out and doing something more for those around me – at home, at work and in our communities. There is so much anger ,rage and abuse, - young people stabbing and bullying, adults shooting , bombing and abusing children and each other. I don’t know what to do , Lord. Help me, please.

Thursday 18th
Loving God, help us to be more considerate towards people who are deaf or hard of hearing. They miss out on so much in company and sometimes we can be so caught up in the conversation that we don't stop to make sure they are following what we are saying. Help us to do all we can to assist them to communicate effectively.

Friday 19th
Pray about the anxiety so many feel about the changes being discussed for NHS Highland and how they will affect Caithness and Sutherland. Pray that we may all understand the factors involved, come to good decisions, and that we all care for everyone involved, including the decision makers.

Saturday 20th
Lord, we pray for Your help to break the hold of addiction in all its forms in this county, and across the Highlands, and particularly with the effect it has on young people and their vision of life – alcohol, drugs, speed, consumerism.... So often these are just an ineffective attempt to medicate ourselves from the things we feel helpless to change, in us and around us.

Sunday 21st Psalm 104. 1-9,24,35c; Mark 10. 35 - 45
Olrig & Dunnet Harvest:Lyall; Keiss & Canisbay:Myrtle Gillies

As we give thanks to God for Harvest, we remember with gratitude the work of the local Food Bank and all who donate so generously both with food and with donations of money.

Monday 22nd

We praise and thank You for those special moments when Your love is revealed to us – God moments! When something could have gone badly wrong but didn’t. When we do something unexpected for someone else and we see the joy on their face – or they show their kindness to us – we treasure each moment You have shared with us.

Tuesday 23rd Canisbay Guild
The Guild Strategy for 2018-21 is “One Journey, Many Roads” with the theme for 2018-19 “Seeking the Way”. This evening’s Speaker is Mrs Janet McDonald who will introduce the Projects for 2018-21. All are welcome!

Wednesday 24th

We pray for those who are newly born and think of the joy and stresses that a baby can bring. Such a precious new life but so dependent on us! Grant calmness and wisdom to all mothers so that they may cause their children no harm and bring their infant up truly loved and in the knowledge of You.

Thursday 25th Ministry & Mission Meeting in Wick

Lord, thank You for Local Councillors Matthew Reiss and Donnie MacKay and their steady influence in Council discussion and debate. Help them to work together as a Council, and give them new ways to develop the resources available to them. Lord, You understand the balancing act that they are trying to achieve, but we pray for a ‘can do’ attitude for all of us, so that we give of ourselves to help keep things moving.

Friday 26th

Thank God for all those who raise money for charities and good causes by taking part in all sorts of sponsored events. Give thanks too for those who give so generously to sponsor them.

Saturday 27th British Summer Time ends early on Sunday morning.

Where has another year gone?! Thank You, Lord, for a wonderful summer – more sunshine and warmth than we have had for a long time! As the leaves begin to turn and the days shorten, we look forward to the warmth of a cosy fire and remember You will bring Spring back soon

Sunday 28th Psalm 126; Mark 10. 46 - 52
Olrig & Dunnet: Lyall; Keiss & Canisbay: Marcus Cornah

For the hard work and dedication of all who minister to our spiritual needs, we give our grateful thanks, Lord. Bless each of them, support them and help us to help them as they would wish.

Monday 29th
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him. (Lamentations 3.25)
Do not doubt God’s goodness to you! Lord, help me to believe!

Tuesday 30th

We celebrate the lives of those whom we have known but who are now with You. It can be so lonely without them – frightening,too, when we need to make decisions. It is tempting to stay at home but give me the courage to ask for help when I’m feeling low and think that I can’t go on. Help me to realise that it is not a weakness but a strength to be honest with others.

Wednesday 31st
The end of another month. Trust our Lord Who has gone ahead.
Put your hand in His and walk with Him. So all will be well.
His promise is sure!

This prayer diary is produced monthly by and for

meeting in four congregations around the North Caithness Coast:
We trust its regular use will strengthen the bond between our congregations as we share news and support one another.
This diary also goes by e-mail to a growing number of friends throughout Scotland and we are sincerely grateful for their interest and support.
Feel free to commend it to others and give us their details!
If you have found this Prayer Diary helpful, please let us know.
If there is any topic or any particular prayer you would like included in a future issue please contact the Editor:
esmeduncan@btinternet.com or phone 01955 611 455
Copy date for the November issue is

20th October



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