CAG Programme of Events for 2017
Fri 27th January - Public observing event - join us to enjoy views of Venus & many wonderful winter objects. Talk by Gordon Mackie “The Life of Stars; as told through a Tour of the Winter Night Sky”.
4th Feb - AGM in Caithness Horizons in Thurso (2pm)
3rd March - Members Event - Solar System Topics - Talk on the Volcanoes in the Solar System by Carole Whittaker - observing the Moon, Mars, Venus, & Uranus
18th March - CAG at the Caithness Science Festival Family Day (Wick Assembly Rooms; noon-4.30pm)
24th March - Members event - Messier Observing Challenge
31st March - Public "Stargazing Live" event - not yet confirmed
28th April - Moon & Jupiter - Peter Darmady, “Living in the Solar System – Where next?” A brief tour of other worlds we might be able to colonise. Talk starts at 7.30pm. Lunar observing from 7pm.
Tues 23rd May - “Setting Sail for Orbit: Physics, Technology & Mission Applications of Solar Sail Spacecraft”. Talk by Prof Colin McInnes of University of Glasgow that is being jointly hosted by CAG/IET/IMechE. At Pentland Hotel, Thurso
Fri 2nd June - Members telescope workshop and equipment night - observing and imaging the 1st quarter moon
Fri 11th August - CAG members photo expedition to capture the Perseid meteor shower (event is weather dependent). Meeting point to be announced nearer the time.
Fri 22nd September - "The Grand Finale - The End of Cassini's 20 Year Mission to Saturn" - talk by G Mackie
Fri 27th October - Moon & Meteors astronomy event in conjunction with the RSPB. Held at the RSPB Field Centre in Forsinard (7.15pm start). Event will include an illustrated talk by CAG Chairman Gordon Mackie that will provide a guided tour of the solar system. Weather permitting there will also be the chance to observe the Moon and the ringed planet Saturn through CAG telescopes. If lucky a few shooting stars might also be seen, as the Orionid and Taurid meteor showers will be active.
Fri 17th November - Members Dark Skies Stargazing Evening
Fri 8th December - Members Mince Pies and Meteors Event
More details for each event will be posted in due course on the news page of this website. All events are at 7pm in the Castlehill Heritage Centre, Castletown unless stated otherwise.