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Past Events - 2022

WORK IN PROGRESS - We're a relatively small Group, but undertake lots of activities, so please bear with us while we try to keep these details up to date.


Photographing Nightscapes (21st Jan)

Members Online Astrophotography Workshop (covering imaging and processing)


Telescope Imaging (11th Feb)

Members Online Astrophotography Workshop (covering imaging and processing)


AGM (12th Mar at 10.30am via Zoom)

After the Chairman's report, the annual statement of accounts were accepted and the following office bearers and committee members were elected as part of the proceedings:

Chairperson: Gordon Mackie
Secretary: Keith Nicholson
Treasurer: Alan Gerrard

Other committee members: John Hilton, Dina Hilton, Iain Darby, David Orr.

Membership for 2022 was set at £15 for adults and £25 for family membership (the same as last year).


Public Drop-by Lunar Observing (14th Mar)

Thanks to clear skies an observing session was held at Thurso Riverside.


This in-person public event put some newly acquired observing and imaging equipment to good use. The equipment was obtained thanks to funding by the Stroupster Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund.


"Complexities of Interstellar Travel and the Need for Space Medicine” (18th Mar)

Online presentation by Dr Martin Braddock


Deep Sky Image Processing Workshop (22nd Apr)

This members event featured detailed live online demos from well known local astrophotographer Maciej Winiarczyk.


Public Drop-by Lunar Observing (7 May)

Thanks to clear skies an observing session was held at Wick High School.


Members catch-up and equipment workshop (13th May)

In-person event at Castlehill Heritage Centre - the first since March 2020.



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