
Woodland  Magic….. It Weren’t Blue….Meanwhile….

by Bernie Bell - 09:01 on 31 August 2023


Woodland  Magic….

We parked in the car park in St. Mary’s village, Holm, between the sea and the Loch of Ayre, and embarked on a walk around the Loch - walking along a grassy track which begins just past the information board on which the wildlife paintings were done by the pupils of St. Andrew’s Primary School……

…heading for the bridge - with accompanying landscape art?...


After crossing the bridge we walked through what is now a grassy patch with wild flowers, including magnificent Teazel….


And some equally magnificent Angelica plants – on one of which a Red Admiral was sunning itself…

A variety of species of little trees have been planted which means that, one day, this will be a fine patch of woodland…

Then, into the woods, where we chose to take the left-hand path at the ‘T’  junction…

…and found ourselves walking through a fine mix of trees…


And on a Docken stem, the cocoon of ? ….


Be WarnedThe board walk through the trees is very slippy in places.


This section of the walk leads to a stile…

If you cross this stile, you can connect up with this walk….


But we went back the way we came, to the ‘T’ junction, where we proceeded along the path ahead through the trees to….The Roundhouse!

…inside which is a wee, wild garden with Roses, Cotoneaster and Potentilla…

And on, to a re-cycled polytunnel deep in the woods…

The place just got more and more like a Fary-tale – Hansel & Gretel – Little Red Riding Hood.

A view through the trees, across the Loch, to St. Mary’s….

And then -  tree/house….


Returning towards the village, looking back over the Loch….

Somewhere around here are the remains of an Iron Age broch…


Walking along the side of the Loch nearest to the road we encountered a Cormorant in trouble…


We then walked down through the village to the public toilets by the pier to thoroughly wash our hands - Bird Flu is still with us.

It was a strong, healthy bird - but a thorough wash-up was a good idea.

I snapped the Hero of the Hour by a nice piece of tile-work…

Continuing the theme of old phone boxes….


…..the now defunct Post Office – where it’s just about possible to read ‘Holm Post Office‘ on the sign over the door – not for much longer though…..

Then home – to find a bag of dwarf runner beans hanging from the door handle – good neighbours – Orkney life.


It Weren’t Blue….

…it were orange….

9.00 p.m.  30th August 2023….




…back on Planet Earth….

"the environment has now been left to fend for itself".


My tuppenceworth re. water pollution…



Here’s one I made earlier… https://theorkneynews.scot/2022/01/18/gardening-helps/


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