
Never Forget Yer’ Specs….From ‘Wild Justice’…..Gotta Larf Ain’t ‘Ya?...............

by Bernie Bell - 08:24 on 26 July 2024

Never Forget Yer’ Specs….

The sun was shining…..I put my sunglasses on and we went for a walk on Aikerness Beach. Then we went to The Orkney Brewery for lunch, at which point I  realised that I’d forgotten to take my ‘proper’ glasses with me.  Though they are ‘prescription’ - when wearing my sunglasses, the restaurant of The Orkney Brewery was a dark and fuzzy place.  Without any glasses – it was even fuzzy-er.

I was having trouble reading the menu, and the waitress kindly offered to lend me her spare reading glasses, which she did. They weren’t exactly my prescription, but …I could see!!!  We all agreed that they made me look like Harriet Potter.

Mike took a pic. of me waving my wand and saying ‘Videam!’....



From ‘Wild Justice’…..

“Today’s newsletter contains news of a new challenge Wild Justice are undertaking. It also includes news of Hen Harrier Action’s upcoming event on August 10th, plus a petition we think you might want to support.

Wild Justice set to challenge over-grazing of Dartmoor: 

Dartmoor is a place dear to many, and large areas of it are protected for its wildlife and habitats (like heathland, blanket bogs and Oak woods). Unfortunately many of these areas are in poor condition – over 90% of the 10,280ha of wet and dry heathland Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) are ‘unfavourable’. We know from Natural England assessments that grazing pressure, primarily from sheep, is a key cause of these poor state. 

We submitted an information request to the Dartmoor Commoner’s Council and discovered that no grazing limitation notices had been issues over the last decade, despite widespread over-stocking happening across the heaths. We think Dartmoor’s special habitats deserve better, and so we’ve written to the DCC challenging this apparent failure to protect them. In our letter we ask them start the work they should already be doing to prevent overstocking of the heaths. This is the beginning of the courts process – we’ll be keeping you updated with how it goes. 

You can read our lawyer’s press release about our latest challenge here. 

Join us at Hen Harrier Action’s ‘Action for Wildlife Day 2024’ on 10th August:

What are you doing on August 10th? Would you like to join us, Hen Harrier Action and lots of other organisations for an Action for Wildlife Day? We’d like you to! 

The free event is taking place at Carsington Water in Derbyshire, and will include lots of speakers talking about Hen Harrier and raptor persecution and wildlife issues, music and performances.

All three of us – Chris, Ruth and Mark – will be there. We’ll be attending with a Wild Justice stand (and some of our team), speaking on stage and signing books. Come and say hello!

Find out more information about the event, timings and facilities by clicking here.  

Please consider this petition: The Metropolitan Police have announced their intentions to axe their wildlife crime unit. A small but mighty team, they work with border police to tackle illegal wildlife trading, as well as local wildlife crime in London itself.

Would you sign this petition to tell them you think it's a bad idea to axe the unit?

Wild Justice in the news on potential Nightjar disturbance.

We told you last week that we’d written to Natural England, after some of you told us about an alleged disturbance incident that took place on Thursley Common in June and earlier this month. 

The reports told of quad bikes, lights and smoke being used by a film crew who were filming for Season 4 of the Netflix series The Witcher – and all of this took place on a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Area of Conservation (SAC), protected for birdlife and invertebrates. 

Our work was reported in the Independent over the weekend, you can read the article here. 

That's it for now - we'll be back in touch soon with more!

Thank you,

Wild Justice (Directors: Mark Avery, Chris Packham and Ruth Tingay).”


Gotta Larf Ain’t ‘Ya?...............

A friend posted a challenge on his FB page – the challenge is to think of band names which can be changed/linked to foodstuffs – I hope the folk who  contributed don’t mind my sharing them here – some of them are a hoot!

The first ‘offering’ was Fleetwood Mac & Cheese, and then the avalanche started….


The Yard Birdseye

Bread Zeppelin

Black Pudding Sabbath

Guns and Cadburys Roses

Buns ‘n’ Roses

Deep Pan Purple

The Rolling Stone Baked Pizzas

Adam and the Antipastas

The Suga-puff Babes.

The Bay City Rolls.

Dairy Free

The Dave Clark Fivespice

Snowball Patrol

Thincrust Lizzy.

The Cured

The Daily Specials

Rage Against the Vending Machine

Daryl Hall and Quaker Oats.

Emerson Flake and Palmer.

Thunderclapshot Newman….

….and afterwards…..

The Small Faeces.

Lionel Rich-Tea

Garibaldi Numan

The Fig Rolling Stones

The Sweets.

The Four Toppings

Chuck Blueberry

Tangerine Dream

Flap Jack White

Bread and Butter pudding.

Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Sausage, Bacon, Black Pudding, Fried Egg, Tomato, Tattie Scone and Baked Beans Please.

The Bonzo Hotdog Doodah Band

Squid Roe

Bon Bon Jovi

David Bowie and the Spiders from Mars Bar

10 Cream Crackers

Marc Almond slice

Crosby, Stills and Mash

Hot Chocolate with marshmallows and Cream



The Allmangetout Brothers.


Bruce Springrollsteen

The Jam sandwich

..don't forget toast and Marmalade.

Then there is Bananamara Sundae

Paul McCartney and Chicken Wings...

The Artist Formerly Known as Prince's Salmon Paste.

Tofu Fighters.

Bon Stovies

Robert Eggplant

Tom Petty-four

Fairport and Stilton Convention.

King Prawn Crimson.




Mike added….

‘At the Funkadelicatessen you can buy…

James Brown Sauce – it’s Super-bad.

Sly & The Family Stone-baked Pizza.

Booker Tea. 

Al Green beans - also available in the ‘green’ range – salad, lentils, pea soup and tea. 

Lloyd Coleslaw causes Commotions. 

The Specials Fried Rice.

Who can resist a nice Herbie Hancock-au-vin..

or a Cock-au-vin Morrison – though that has been known to disagree with people.

Avoid Martha Reeves and the Vindaloos – can cause Earth Wind & Fire.’

Pastrami on Rye Cooder.

The Manic Street Pizzas.

Steely Dhansak.....Bhuna M...The Corrmas. We had curry for tea last night!

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