‘Earthbound Orkney’……
by Bernie Bell - 07:24 on 12 September 2024
‘Earthbound Orkney’……
I saw this article in The Orkney News….
....and very much looked forward to seeing the exhibition.
In the video, Becky Little’s ‘baking’ analogy reminded me of this…
Kerrianne’s Baking Day
Roll. Cut. Shape. Spatula.
Curve. Line. Glaze. Bake.
Moon. Jar. Pie.
See me. Feel me.
Learn. Un-learn.
BB 2017
….from this…
I could imagine a lot of folk having a go at making cubes & balls – this whole concept/process is wonder-full.
I thought I’d wait until the exhibition was in the ‘Ship O’ Fools’, as the Maes Howe Visitor Centre was likely to be very busy in the summer. So come one rainy September day – we went to see ‘Earthbound Orkney’ in the ‘Ship O’ Fools’ as part of the Science Festival….
A display cabinet contains examples of clay balls from Neolithic Orkney, among which are some of the 31 clay balls & fragments which have been recovered during 20 years of excavations at the Ness of Brodgar…
And of the 21 whole or fragmentary clay balls found at the site at Stonehall….
And now, I’m going to launch into a series of images of the cubes & balls – it’s the best way I can think of to do them justice…
Turning from the display – the view through the window is like another window on another world…
There is a book to accompany the exhibition, which is available either at exhibition venues, or from the Website...
This exhibition is now heading for the V&A, Dundee – so there’s a chance to experience it there.
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