
‘Love’ Stories…. Megaliths…...Rwanda…..Voting……Tomatoes…

by Bernie Bell - 09:11 on 04 March 2023

‘Love’ Stories….

I’m re-reading ‘Wuthering Heights’…  http://www.spanglefish.com/berniesblog/blog.asp?blogid=16167  and have come to the conclusion that Cathy & Heathcliff are a pair of dafties.  It’s not a tale of love – they just act daft.

I think that maybe, all in all, I don’t respond to ‘love’ stories as I’m supposed to. 

Romeo & Juliet – he went to the dance because he was mad-keen to meet with another girl, Rosaline,  and switched his affections alarmingly quicky and easily when he saw Juliet! 

They’re presented as being in their early teens – leave them to it and they’d soon have got over it, or have been after someone else…..


‘Brief Encounter’ – I have no patience with them.  They’re shoddy people behaving in a shifty, shoddy way.  How is that tale of sneaking around seen as ‘romance’?  Her husband’s quiet understanding at the end speaks more of love.

And what is my idea of a love story – a fictional love story?  Lyra & Roger in Philip Pullman’s  ‘Dark Materials’ Trilogy. They know that they have to part, for the sake of all worlds, so they part – but that doesn’t dent their love.

Cathy & Heathcliff go on and on about not being able to exist if parted, while making being together an impossibility.  Dafties.

I think I’ll read something by PG Wodehouse next as an antidote to the self-centred psychos on the moor – Bertie Wooster may be a bit silly, but he tries to help people - and he doesn’t wreck people’s lives - including his own.  Herrrr-umph!



The clue is in the title…


Just messin’ with megaliths….




I received the following from ‘Freedom From Torture’…  https://www.freedomfromtorture.org/  …..

Imagine priding your airline on its morals and making your slogan “...we care” but refusing to rule out of flying torture survivors and refugees to Rwanda.

HiFly  even advocated for people seeking safety and flew Syrian refugees to safety in 2016 – so it should be easy for them to take a stand against a cash for humans plan, right? 

We’ve written to them. We’ve reached out on social media. Nothing. With hundreds of refugees receiving letters of removal to Rwanda as we speak, it’s time to pile on the pressure, with hundreds of us calling them out publicly.

We forced Privilege Style, the government’s chosen airline, to back out using our people power - now we can do the same with HiFly. Will you take two minutes to write on their social media pages and ask them to rule themselves out?



If you don’t have Linkedin or Instagram, you can also also reply to their Tweets... https://twitter.com/hifly_airline

Our movement for fairness and justice has delivered a series of blows to the government since they announced the Rwanda plan, showing how people power works. Refugee charities took the government to court and lawyers got the first flight cancelled. Freedom From Torture’s supporters made sure Titan, Airtanker, Privilege Style and Wamos airlines all ruled themselves out. 

Together we have proved ourselves incredibly powerful - and now we can prove it yet again. 

In solidarity, 

Agustina Oliveri

Senior Digital Campaigns Officer”



Will you be allowed to vote?  We do postal votes as I’m never sure if I’ll be able to go out to vote.  Voting matters – a lot – it’s pretty much the only way the average person can play a part in how their country is governed.

I received this from ‘38 Degrees’….

"The Government has changed the rules around UK elections. Come the next election, will you know what to do, or will you be blocked from voting? Take our quick quiz to find out.

"In a matter of weeks on May 4th, many of us in England will be heading to the polls to have our say in the local elections.

But because of the Government’s recent changes to election rules - insisting on photo voter ID - TWO MILLION of us could be turned away from voting in elections. [1] And worst of all, most don’t even know it!

We can’t stop the Government’s plans from going ahead, but together we CAN help prevent millions of us from being locked out of our democracy.

Today’s the day to swot up on the new rules - and then spread the word!

So, will you take our quick quiz and test YOUR knowledge about the Government’s changes to voting rules? It will only take about 90 seconds to complete and the answers might just surprise you:


Knowledge is power. So when you’re done, why not share the quiz with your friends and family to make sure they don’t miss out on their chance to have their say at the ballot box?

One of us alone can’t defend our democracy. But an army of us spreading the word and helping people who might otherwise be shut out, can make a difference.

Thanks for all you do,

Myles, Tom, Ellie, Veronica and the 38 Degrees team


[1] The Guardian: Fears voter ID card delay could disfranchise many in England
FT: Electoral Commission warns of problems with UK’s new voter ID(paywall)
Politics Home: Elections Watchdog Warns Voter ID Plans Risk Undermining Confidence In Democracy
Open Democracy: What you need to know about voter ID



I have no illusions about the impartiality of BBC reporting - but  I think this is interesting, and ‘adds up’….



Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2020/08/06/above-evie-village/


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