Plastic Tableware…… Further Responses Re. Faray Windfarm…..My Name Is Beauty……
by Bernie Bell - 08:42 on 10 January 2023
Plastic Tableware……
I’m very, very pleased to see this….
I used to watch ‘The Big Bang Theory’ when it was first broadcast – stopped watching it when the characters lost their humour, started to constantly bicker with each other, changed many of their original characteristics and it got silly. Anyway – every time they went to the University canteen, and got a tray and ate some food, and threw the ‘disposable’ plates and cutlery in the bin, I would putter about it.
It was a very popular series – presumably still is as it’s constantly re-run as repeats – watched and thought well of by many. These were supposed to be educated, thinking people who should be setting a good example - yet they thoughtlessly threw their plastic into the bin, not questioning what happened to it next.
There are plenty of other television series, films etc. which are as guilty as The Big Bang Theory of presenting this care-less attitude, but that was the one that got my goat most.
There are many alternatives to plastic now – made from products which will bio-degrade – there’s just no excuse for plastic disposable table wear.
Here are some previous rambles/rants on this topic….
Further Responses Re. Faray Windfarm…..
Remember this?
I’ve started to get responses, post the Christmas break, first from the RSPB…..
Then from ‘Wild Justice’ …..
"Many thanks for taking the time to brief Wild Justice about this situation, we appreciate the distress it's clearly causing.
However, we're sorry that due to very limited time and resources, we're unable to commit to taking any additional campaigning at this time.
We appreciate this won't be the reply you'd hoped for and it's always difficult to send responses like this out because we are all doing as much as we can and it's never enough.
We wish you well with this endeavour and hope you're able to get some support from appropriate organisations or groups.”
My response ….
“Thank you for responding.
Your organization wouldn’t necessarily need to campaign, as such – just mention that you are aware of the situation. It’s all publicity, and adds pressure on those involved to stop this going ahead.
Thanks anyway”
A much more fulsome response from The Scottish Wildlife Trust….
“Land use and development is a key activity affecting wildlife in Scotland. Inappropriately located and badly designed developments have significant, detrimental impacts on Scotland’s biodiversity and on people’s quality of life. Scottish Wildlife Trust believes the planning system needs to be well informed, organised and implemented in a way which ensures Scotland’s biodiversity is adequately safeguarded and enhanced. The Trust believes that the planning system should act as a guardian for biodiversity and actively support and promote its conservation, enhancement, restoration, and expansion. The following principles should be adopted by planners, policy makers and practitioners to ensure that the potential impacts on biodiversity from land use and development are fully considered.
Scottish Wildlife Trust has extremely limited capacity to respond to planning related casework. The Trust must limit itself to responding to cases of national importance and even then, our resources are limited. The Trust therefore relies on our network of volunteers and members of the public to highlight wildlife related impacts during the planning process. To this end the Trust has produced guidance which can be helpful when responding to planning applications and this is available here:
You may also find the following links of interest:
Thank you for getting in touch.”
I’m posting this to encourage others to contact organizations and individuals that might take an interest in preventing this development – they do respond, and send helpful information.
Grey seals are among the rarest seals in the world.
Wind energy is ‘Green’ but so is conserving endangered species.
'My Name Is Beauty'
by Jake Skeets
“As a Native scholar and poet, Jake Skeets considers the necessary interrogation of colonial naming and narratives, and how the Indigenous application of writing as a technology can reshape our world.”
Here’s one I made earlier…..
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