19 July 1941 Northern Rhodesia Ordinance No.12
Balovale District [No. 12 of 1941. 31
No. 12 of 1941.
In His Majesty's name and on His Majesty's behalf,
I assent,
Acting Governor.
19th July, 1941.
An Ordinance to make provision for the
Administration of the Balovale District.
ENACTED by the Governor of Northern Rhodesia with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof.
Short title.
1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Balovale District (Administration) Ordinance, 1941.
2. The District Commissioner shall exercise all the powers and duties conferred upon a native authority by the Native Authority Ordinance, 1936, in all areas of the Balovale District in respect of which a native authority or native authorities shall not have been recognised by the Governor in pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by section three of the said Ordinance.
3. This Ordinance shall come into operation on such date as the Governor may prescribe by order in the Gazette.
*Not in operation pending notification in the Gazette.
Powers and duties of native authority to be exercised by District Commissioner.