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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 31/01/2010.
Give and Take Days
18 January 2008

Give Or Take Days are waste exchange events where you can:
• Get rid of things you don’t need any more
• Pick up things you do need… all for free!
They are like Bring and Buy Sales – but without the cash.

The idea is to reuse things which might otherwise have been thrown away, save money and keep valuable resources within the community.  Five such events have been held in Edmonton over the last three years.

There are three basic ingredients for a Give Or Take Day:
1. A venue – a community or church hall is ideal.
2. Some really enthusiastic volunteers – the more the better.
3. Publicity

Enfield Council’s waste prevention officer would like to hear from any group interested in organising a Give or Take Day.  The aim is to run these days regularly at venues all over the borough, so that local residents make a habit of taking part.  The Council will help with organisation and publicity. 

For more information, please contact:  Mary Blake, Waste Prevention Officer, Enfield Council, tel:  020 8379 1790,


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