Current issues
Monitoring planning applications
Rough sleepers back by Hermitage Lane
Planning permission for change of use not required for houses of multiple occupation if max number of four residents
Consultation on Bowes East Quieter Neighbourhood - Latest proposals awaited, but LBE has agreed to look at the scheme again following very strong opposition from residents involved.
Traffic calming scheme for Connaught Gardens, Chimes Avenue and Callard Avenue to be looked at again
Flytipping an ongoing problem but landlords are being held responsible for tenants behaviour
Spurs CPZ permits expire before the next season. Spurs have paid for these until now, but the CPZ is being reviewed. This is likely to take up to a year, meantime residents should renew their permits - hopefully still free of charge
Council Officers loathe to deal with issues unless the residents themselves complain, but we are pursuing these instances - planning breaches and anti social behaviour
Speeding in Pasteur Gardens
Good news - New play equipment in Weir Hall Park, fountain switched on in Tatem Park (Hollywood Gardens) and wetlands thriving in Wilbury Open Space
The Friends of Tottenhall Rec are very keen to establish a proper path across the park. They would be very happy to hear from anyone who finds access difficult due to the lack of a path.